Synthèse : Fiche BTS MCO. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar Maud Tauvel • 2 Février 2023 • Synthèse • 250 Mots (1 Pages) • 539 Vues
I have decided to study retail because I really like the customer relation.
First of all, I am always ready to answer questions and find items for customers. I really enjoy giving
advice and information to people. Moreover, I like dealing with customers when they are shopping to help them find what they need. I like teamwork.
In my opinion, the main strengths to be a good and efficient shop assistant is motivation. On the one hand a good shop assistant is highly motivated in his work, and keen to find better ways to carry out his job.
On the other hand, I also think a good manager must be enthusiastic and easy going. From my point of view a good shop assitant is motivated, confident, quick to close sales, in love with his job and able to entice customer into returning to the store.
I passed my a level in science. Then I studied law for two years. Also I have studied a university diploma for technical management. It allowed me to gain skills in retail. I died an internship in the hypermarket industry. Where I was able to really discover the meaning of team work. I am currently taking a 2 year degree in retail. I have found an internship at IKKS men. I am starting to work this week. I am very happy to discover this field because I would like to work in fashion. In the end, I would like to continue in communication or marketing.