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Analyse " Les incorruptibles " - Anglais

Commentaire de texte : Analyse " Les incorruptibles " - Anglais. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  10 Décembre 2016  •  Commentaire de texte  •  803 Mots (4 Pages)  •  1 061 Vues

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Intro :

This scene is an extract of the movie « The Untouchables » realised by Bryan De Palma. Indeed, this film redraws Al Capone's life during th prohibition in the thirties. Elliot Ness, who's a member of a fraud squad of the city of Chicago to fight against Al Capone's gang. Like the local police is corrupted, Ness surrounds himself with a small team of incorruptible: Jim Malone, Oscar Wallace  and Giuseppe Petri. Together, they try to make condemn Al Capone.

Here, we are towards the end of the movie, Malone and Wallace are dead. Al Capone's trial takes place at the moment, they found nothing of better than to arrest him for tax fraud. But to he's condemned, it's necessary to have the testimony of the accountant of Al Capone, who was called to the court. Al Capone decides to send his accountant outside the city so that he does not appear at the Justice. Ness and Molded goes to the station to catch him before his departure, they expect that it is accompanied with many bodyguards.

One of the bodyguards takes the accountant and the threat with a weapon as a hostage. The two untouchables are opposite and try to save him.

Partie 1 :

Firstly, in the first screenshot we can see the bodyguard who takes hostage the accountant and we note this accountant is suprised and also shocked of that situation. What's more, the bodyguard is furious because he clenches his jaw. Then, in the second screenshot, the bodyguard loses his temper and becomes more and more aggressive, however, he keeps in his facial expression and in his voice a sarcastic tone, so that the accountant realizes the dangerousness of the situation and he begins to stress to die. Instead, we can see in the third and the fourth screenshots, the two cops point their weapons at their target who is the bodyguard, they look like concerned and serene, they have a fixed and imperturbable look. They don't sweat and don't tremble contrary to the bodyguard who moves in all directions.

Partie 2 :
Secondly, after this part, the scene increases in tension. Indeed, the bodyguard changes the tone and begins to scream to not to leave the choice to the policeman, he forces them to take a decision. Then in the second screenshot, the accountant tries to save his life by speaking very quickly, he begs the policeman to save him with a facial expression damned. However, in the third and fourth screenshots, For the two cops we can note an another climate, the two police officers are not destabilized by the attitude of the bodyguard and the accountant, they stay serene. What's more, one of the policemen asks the other if he can have the target, he says that with a calm and peaceful voice.

Partie 3 :

During the rest of this scene there are few words, but it understands especially in the facts and the facial expressions. First of all, one of the policeman put his gun down as if he completely trusted his friend, he gives the departure of the shot before the bodyguard kills the accountant. Indeed, we can see in the second screenshot that the bodyguard feel that the policeman is going to fire, so he begins to panic, we can see that because he sweats more and more and his eyes are wide open. What's more there is a close-up shot on his face as if he received the gun bullet. Contrary to him, the policeman who fires with his weapon is completely concentrated on his target, we can see that because of his eyes which are almost closed to aim better. Finally, in the fourth screechot, the bullet touched its target and the bodyguard dies imediately whereas the accountant closes his eyes as if he believed that it's was going to die.


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