Rapport de stage Anglais
Rapport de stage : Rapport de stage Anglais. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar Blondiie • 17 Avril 2018 • Rapport de stage • 1 537 Mots (7 Pages) • 935 Vues
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I did a national diploma course as management assistants during an individual study leave at the GRETA Training Center.
As part of this training and to obtain a diploma, I had to complete three periods of work training. I took one from July to August 2017 and the others in December 2017 and February 2018. These internships are an essential step in the professional life of a trainee, because they allow a first contact with the profession of assistant of management, as well as the practice of the theoretical learning and the exploration of its competences and professional and personal interests.
However, the search for a internship was not very easy. I inquired within my entourage. And finally my boyfriend finds a place in the company for which he works before I start the national diploma course.
LINGENHELD ENVIRONNEMENT is a simplified stock company, headquartered in DABO. I did my internship on the platform located in OBERSCHAEFFOLSHEIM. It is a medium-sized company in the environmental sector. It composed of 25 employees and was created in 1992. It is in charge of the pikup, treatment and recovery of waste generated by individuals, communities and businesses.
During my internship, I had the opportunity to discover the job of management assistant and the role of environmental companies. Many missions were entrusted to me, in relation to those that I had to carry out as part of my training
I really enjoyed this internship which allowed me to realize that I had a great adaptability and that I was independent.
The missions carried out during this internship can be grouped in three domains: administrative, accounting and management of relations with the customers.
I was in charge of the invoicing of suppliers with OXIGENE accounting software. This task consisted of recording the invoices established by the suppliers on the software, then storing them with the other invoices which will have to be paid later in folders provided for this purpose. This was an important task since tracking supplier payments is an important factor in tracking company’s cash flow. After completing the invoice records, I had to process the invoices that had to be paid. This task consists of registering the invoice payments on the software and matching them with the amounts previously recorded.
During my second internship, I had the opportunity to do an analysis of the competition. So I did research on the different competitors of the company. This allowed the company to be in the market. I also prospected with the commercial, demarcating prospects. This allowed the company to know the needs and expectations of prospects to be able to offer them the appropriate services.
For four weeks I went to meet prospects. I was able to make the observation that the commercial brochure that the company gives to the prospects does not value enough are know how to do and does not show the proposed services
I therefore proposed to the company's sales representative as well as the operations manager, to modify this brochure, indicating the different services proposed (the collection, sorting and treatment of waste), and also the persons concerned with the services of the company.
Actualy the brochure is in development. It is the commercial and the person in charge of communication and marketing who creates the new brochure.
By noting that the prospects did not want to talk too much about their current provider, during the canvassing, I suggested to my guardian to send them by email a prospecting survey. This could allow them to answer questions, to know their expectations against their providers, all remaining anonymous.
Unfortunately, the questionnaire only reported one response on the 200 sent. I think that the fact of not having offered them a commercial offer (discount, gift, etc.), did not encourage them to complete this questionnaire.
During my internship, I was not subjected to specific rules. My guardian did not give me a specific hour of work. So I could come and go at the time I wanted, as long as I was doing my 35 hours a week. So I chose to start at seven thirty in the morning, take thirty minutes of lunch and leave at 15:30 from Monday to Thursday, Friday I started at seven thirty and left at half past twelve.
The sector manager of Lingenheld Environnement encourages the initiative and autonomy of its employees by allowing greater flexibility in the organization of work. All employees and I practiced teamwork, integrating a good relationship between the manager and the employees.
I felt that I could develop my skills in this environment. My internship experience proved me right. This immersion in the professional world helped me to better target my career. I discovered the different positions in the company and I have an overview of how they work. At the end of the training, the management assistant of the company informed me of the director's wish to propose me a position within Lingenheld. I was flattered but refused, since I would like to continue my studies in professional license of human resources.
Annexe VI-3 (suite) BTS Assistant de gestion de PME-PMI à référentiel commun européen - Session 2018
Épreuve 21 : Production orale en continu et de l’interaction
Communication orale professionnelle
Fiche descriptive | ||
Nom et prénom du candidat : WEISS MORGANE | N° d’inscription : | |
Intitulé de la situation de communication : CUSTOMER DISSATISFIED | ☒ Vécue ☐ Observée | Fiche de situation de communication n°: |
Identification | |
Raison sociale : | Secteur d'activité : |
Tâche(s) du référentiel concernée(s) : ☐ Accueil en face à face ☐ Communication orale interpersonnelle ☒ Accueil au téléphone ☐ Communication orale de groupe ☐ Accueil oral via les médias d'information | |
Contexte de la situation | |
Lingenheld environnement is a family business created in 1992 by Mr. Georges Lingenheld. It specializes in the collection, treatment and recovery of waste from businesses and individuals. I am in the office of the management assistant Maryline. The phone rings, I pick up. It is the manager Mr MEY, of the company CB Service, who is dissatisfied.
. Acteurs : Customer : Mister MEY manager of the company CB Services Trainne : myself . Relation entre les acteurs : formal and professional . Canal : live, oral . Lieu : office . Durée : ten minutes
Informational : inform the company of its dissatisfaction vis-à-vis the commercial of the company
Identity : I want to show a good image of the company Lingenheld, and my professionalism Influence : to keep the customer, listening to his demands and telling him that we are taking into account his expectations.
Formal, verbal and non-verbal communication over the phone.
I showed active listening, reformulation, courtesy and empathy with the client. | |
Stratégies de communication | |
Relation des faits mettant en évidence la (les) stratégie(s) développée(s) I pick up the phone using the company's home phrase (Lingenheld Environment Morgane listening to you). The client shows up, I ask him how I can help him (relational strategy). He indicates to me that he would like to obtain the whole of the statement of weighing, installation and removal of the buckets that we make available to him in order to change provider. I respond positively to his request (cooperation strategy) and hasten to ask him the reasons for this change. He tells me then a personality conflict with Céline ROUCHIER the commercial he no longer wants to have as interlocutor. I am surprised but tell him that I understand are need (empathy). He makes me understand that if we do not find another interlocutor, he will separate from Lingenheld Environment. I tell him that we take his grievance into consideration, that we are sorry to hear that he wishes to leave us and that we will find a way to satisfy him. I also tell him that I send him his statement as requested. He tells me that he hopes to find a compromise with us, because apart from his conflict with Celine, he has no problem with the company. I tell him that we will do everything possible, that I will forward his request to the person in charge, not being able to make this decision and that we will call him back within 1 to 2 days to indicate the solution we have found. I take leave of the conversation wishing him a good day. He thanks me and also takes leave. | |
L'évaluation de la relation | |
Évaluation de la communication et de son efficacité professionnelle The telephone conversation helped me to become aware of my ability to be professional, since it ended well. Indeed, the customer was calling in order to leave the company and the conversation ends with a promise to find a solution very quickly in order to satisfy him and not to see him leave |