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Théories Commerce International

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du commerce international: Ricardo et HOS

- Heckscher, E., 1979, "The Effects of Foreign Trade on the Distribution of Income", Ekonomisk Tidskrift.

- Léontief, V., 1953, "Domestic Production and Foreign Trade: The American Position Reexamined".

- MacDougal, G., 1951, "British and American Exports: A Study Suggested by the Theory of Comparative Costs", The Economic Journal, déc.

- Ohlin, B., 1933, Interregional and International Trade, Harvard University Press.

- Ricardo, D., 1817, Principes de l'économie politique et de l'impôt.

- Samuelson, P., 1948, "International Trade and the Equalization of Factor Prices", The Economic Journal, 163-184.

Théories traditionnelles du commerce international: extensions

- Akamatsu, K., 1962, "An Historical Pattern of Economic Growth in Developing Countries", Developing Economies, 1.

- Findlay, R., Kierzkowski, H., 1983, "International Trade and Human Capital: A General Equilibrium Model", Journal of Political Economy.

- Hufbauer, G., 1970, "The Impact of National Characteristics and Technology on the Commodity Composition of Trade in Manufactured Goods", in R. Vernon, The Technology Factor in International Trade, Columbia University Press.

- Krugman, P., 1979, "A Model of Innovation, Technology Transfer, and the World Distribution of Income", Journal of International Economics, nov.

- Marshall, A., 1920, Principles of Economics, MacMillan, Londres.

- Posner, M., 1961, "International trade and Technical Change", Oxford Economic Papers, oct.

- Vernon, R., 1966, "International Investment and International Trade in the Product Cycle, Quarterly Journal of Economics, mai, 190-207.

Nouvelles théories du commerce international

Concurrence oligopolistique

- Brander, J., Krugman, P., 1983, "A Reciprocal Dumping Model of International Trade", Journal of International Economics, 313-321.

Concurrence monopolistique: différenciation verticale

- Chamberlin, E., 1933, La théorie de la concurrence monopolistique [PUF Paris 1953].

- Krugman, P., 1979, "Increasing Returns, Monopolitistic Competition and International Trade", Journal of International Economics, nov., 469-479.

Concurrence monopolistique: différenciation horizontale

- Hotelling, H., 1929, "Stability in Competition", The Economic Journal, mars, 47-51.

- Lancaster, K., 1980, "Intra-Industry Trade Under Perfect Monopolistic Competition", Journal of International Economics, 10, 151-175.

- Helpman, E., 1987, "Imperfect Competition and and International Trade: Evidence From Fourteen Industrial Countries", Journal of the Japanese and International Economics, 1.

- Grubel, H., Lloyd, P., 1975, Intra-Industry Trade, MacMillan, Londres.

- Helpman, E., 1981, "International Trade in the Presence of Product Differenciation, Economies of Scale and Monopolistic Competition: a Chamberlin-Heckscher-Ohlin Approach", Journal of International Economics, 305-340.


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