Oral Bac Francais : Description Des 5 Sequences
et D’Alembert) « De l’esclavage des nègres » (De L’Esprit des Lois, Montesquieu) Lecture de Babouc (Voltaire) SEQUENCE 3 : Etude d’un roman philosophique de
4 Pages • 3253 Vues
Devoir Maison Bac Anglais
'homme est , à l'origine, le moins bien doté pour survivre, les œuvres de la culture sont les résultats de cette déficience originelle, l'homme est
4 Pages • 1590 Vues
South Africa : oral d'anglais bac
EXPRESSION ORAL D ANGLAIS Power refers to the ability to influence the behaviour of others or the political or social authority exercised by a government,
4 Pages • 3236 Vues
Anglais fiche bac
Anglais BAC Spaces and exchanges I am going talk about the notion of Spaces and Exchanges. This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas
8 Pages • 3391 Vues
Bac anglais
Places and froms of power I’m going to speak about the notion « Places and froms of power », power is the ability to control
2 Pages • 6588 Vues
Oral bac anglais
Places and Forms of Power The notion I'm going to deal with is places and forms of powers. To begin with, I'd like to give
4 Pages • 5722 Vues
Anglais fiche bac oral
Notion of progress: INTRO : I'm going to talking about the notion of progress. First of all I would like to give a definition of progress :
2 Pages • 2034 Vues
Définitions des quatre notions du BAC anglais
La définition des 4 notions 1. Myths and heroes: A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a
10 Pages • 1137 Vues
Bac blanc anglais
Courtois Lysa DM d’anglais TST1 Document A I/ “Beauty is a form of genius” l. 3 “It makes princes of those who have it” l.
3 Pages • 952 Vues
Abandonned Animals in America Introduction : I chose this theme because It makes me disgusted to think of all the animals who are abandoned every
2 Pages • 720 Vues
Oral anglais de fin d'année Bac Pro
My name is - , I’m 18 years old. I study electronics at - technical school in -. I specialize in multimedia systems and household
5 Pages • 821 Vues
Expression Ecrite type bac anglais LV1
Sujet 3 Dear Sue, No harm meant, and i do understand that it may get on your nerves to read or hear here and there
2 Pages • 783 Vues
Myth and heroes Fiche anglais BAC généraux
Myth and heroes Myth makes references at an ancient story usually based on gode, godness and fiction o magic. And a hero makes reference at
2 Pages • 753 Vues
Themes anglais bac pro
Today, I am going to talk to you about Rosa Parks. I would like to understand how Rosa Parks became a figure of civil rights?
5 Pages • 460 Vues