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Gestion d'un coffee shop
Rapport : Hyper vision entre Parc auto et SIG Table des figures Figure 1:table véhicule 2 Figure 2: table conducteur 3 Figure 3: table anomalie 3 Figure 4: table zone 3 Figure 5:Google web Mercator 4 Figure 6: résulte 4 Figure 7:projection GPS sur SIG 5 Figure 8:zone de véhicule 5 Figure 9:état du zone 6 Table de matières Table des figures 2 1. La base de données sous oracle spatial 3 2. QGIS :
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Netflix and the other streaming platforms
English : Netflix and the other streaming platforms Hello everyone ! Today we are going to tell you about something that is really important in the teenagers’s life : Netflix and the other streaming platforms. Let’s begin with a little question : raise your hand if you use daily Netflix or other streaming sites. Oh, according to our expectations, a lot of people here are using them so let us inform you about this interesting
1 105 Mots / 5 Pages -
L'école d'Athènes Située dans une immense illusion architecturale peinte par Raphaël, l’école d’Athènes est un chef-d’œuvre qui représente visuellement un concept intellectuel. Dans une peinture, Raphaël a utilisé des groupements de personnages pour élaborer une leçon complexe sur l'histoire de la philosophie et les différentes croyances développées par les grands philosophes grecs. Raphael aurait certainement été au courant des représentations privées de la chapelle Sixtine en cours qui ont été organisées par Bramante. Bien que
1 164 Mots / 5 Pages -
Lamb of the slaughter In your notebook, you will need to take notes about the following things. CHARACTERIZATION 1. Describe the main characters’ behaviour. He is arrogant, power sick and he disobedient b.)Why or what motivates the main characters to act this way? (Try to come up with at least two reasons) The fact that the witches predicted it and they always know the future 1. Write down your initial personal reactions to these characters? How would you
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Myths and heroes : How has the American Dream evolved since the XXth century? Is it still achievable for everyone today?
Myths and Heroes We are going to talk about the topic Myths and Heroes. Myths originally aimed to explain the origins of a given community or social group. They deliver a universal message about the human condition and collective identity of this community. Through the ages, new myths have thus been created and have evolved. The questions that arose around this topic are the following: How has the American Dream evolved since the XXth century?
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The idea of progress : to what extend is telecommuting a good alternative to traditional office work
THE NOTION OF PROGRESS First, I am going to define the notion of idea of progress. We can say that progress is a forward movement, an advance or a development. It can also be defined as a graduam betterment, especially : the progressive development of humankind. Plus, progress is the idea that the world and the society can evolve positively in therms of sciences, technology, modernization, living condition, which contributes to making the world a better
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Myths and heroes : how do myhts and heroes influence the society ?
ANGLAIS: MYTHS AND HEROES First, I am going to define the notion of myths and heroes. We can say that a myth is an ancient story about gods, heroes and magic, it can be a popular belief or a tradition emboying the ideals and institution of a society or an unfounded or false notion. A heroe is defined as a mythological or legendary figure often endowed with great strength or ability. Moreover it can
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THE IRISH BACKSTOP A little back story on Ireland. In 1801 Great Britain colonized Ireland, forcing the Irish to join the United Kingdom. About 40 years later (1844) Ireland suffered from a big starvation, which led to the death of more than 1 million people and the emigration of another million. Ireland then accused Great Britain of not doing anything to help them by not providing them any food, which contributed to aggravate the situation.
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Perspectives and Views on the Translations of Tirukkural
Kumarasamy Pugazhendhi Kumarasamy Assistant Professor Centre for French and Francophone Studies Jawaharlal Nehru University Poetry, Phoenix of Translation Perspectives and Views on the Translations of Tirukkural Abstract 19th century French literary figures often depicted India as an exotic landscape, promising adventure and gold. If at all some real Indian thoughts and ideas were there, they were often concealed by stereotypes and images which pleased the French readership of that period. However, curiosity gave way to
5 133 Mots / 21 Pages -
Video Games From Around The World
Un jeu vidéo est un jeu électronique doté d'une interface utilisateur permettant une interaction humaine ludique en générant un retour visuel sur un dispositif vidéo. Le joueur de jeu vidéo dispose de périphériques pour agir sur le jeu et percevoir les conséquences de ses actes sur un environnement virtuel. Le mot « vidéo » dans le jeu vidéo fait traditionnellement référence aux dispositifs d'affichage de trame, mais, à la suite de la vulgarisation du ce
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Three things cannot be hidden : the sun, the moon and the truth
KENZA FETTAHI WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT ESSAY 10/10/19 “THREE THINGS CANNOT BE HIDDEN: THE SUN, THE MOON AND THE TRUTH” - BUDDHA Telling the truth has always been a sign of virtue. Truth is considered as a theoretical moral principle that contradicts the reality of the facts. Indeed, if no one openly teaches the art of lying, everyone does it more or less, while holding it morally wrong. Truth exists when in a conversation or a proposal,
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The Canadian culture
canada The Canadian culture has been primarily influenced by European countries particularly France and Great Britain, for example we can see it with the spoken languages (60% English and 22% french ). But there are a lot of other countries who had an influence too because Canada always had a welcoming attitude to immigrants. Canada is known as a multicultural country with around 200 languages, which made the Canadians to have a good reputation with
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Migration: the relocation scheme EU
The relocation scheme: a success or a failure story? Haya DAHER According to the Dublin Regulation, people applying for asylum in the EU must do it in the first Member State of arrival. Thus, Greece, as an example, have become responsible for 850 000 refugees in 2015 arriving especially from Syria; noting that Greece was suffering from the effect of austerity measures following the economic crisis since 2010. In addition, it is known that Greece
1 835 Mots / 8 Pages -
Evaluation of the contamination resistance of impregnated wipes
Evaluation of the contamination resistance of impregnated wipes 1. Objective The aim of the present instructions is to describe a method for evaluating the resistance to microbial contamination of impregnated wipes. 2. Scope This method applies to products such as cosmetic wipes, baby wipes and other similar impregnated nonwovens. 3. Principle The test consists of artificial contamination of the wipes followed by counts of surviving microorganisms after different contact times. Nota : On request, the
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Exposé sur le film The Social Network avec le Thème seul avec tous
Exposé sur le film The Social Network avec le thème seul avec tous Réalisateur : David Fincher Genre : Drame Nationalité : Américain Date de sortie : 13 octobre 2010 Sommaire diaporama : * Résumé de l’histoire * Personnages principaux * Lien avec le thème * Conclusion I-Résume de l’histoire : Le film retrace la création du célèbre site web de réseautage: Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg est un brillant étudiant en informatique à Harvard. Depuis sa
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The idea of progress : should we fear progress ?
The idea of progress: should we fear progress? I’m going to talk about the « idea of progress ». to begin with, I’d like to state a definition of that notion. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or change in technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. However, some people can consider it as a negative thing because progress may go beyond
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The Fight of Feminism in Canada
The Fight of Feminism in Canada -Now and Then- “Feminism is the radical notion that women are human beings.” This famous quote, said by Cheris Kramerae, may sound like an inflated representation of the issues faced by women in society, but when the facts are laid out, the truth is not too far. The rights given to women throughout history had to be fought for intensely and even though today’s situation is not as bad
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The Arrowverse
THE ARROWVERSE There are a lot of information about the timeline of the Arrowverse. But first, I’m going to explain you what it means. The Arrowverse is two universes which contains the series of Arrow (Of course!), The Flash, Supergirl and The Legends of Tomorrow. Recently another TV show showed up his face, it is Batwoman. In 2021, two new TV shows are going to appear, one which going to be a spin off from
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De bons cannibales, A. Thévet
CORRIGE DE L’EXPLICATION N°7 André Thévet, Singularités de la France antarctique , l. 17-39 Ø Biographie d’André Thévet : Auteur du XVIe siècle d’abord moine à Angoulême (cordelier = ordre faisant vœu de pauvreté, cf corde à leur taille). Voyage d’abord vers l’empire ottoman qui lui inspire un premier ouvrage (Cosmographie du Levant). Part ensuite au Brésil comme aumônier de l’expédition de Coligny de Villegagnon. Il s’agit de créer une « France antarctique » dans
1 824 Mots / 8 Pages -
Executive Summary The issue of free movement has aroused the interest of Africans for many years and finally seems to be on the right track. It may still be too early to be rejoiced in. But over the past two years, Africa has taken an important step towards regional integration. Several countries have decided to remove border barriers, thus accelerating the dynamic of a free movement so much hoped by the African Union. By the
3 141 Mots / 13 Pages -
The Yellow Wallpaper - Blog
Does my wife have some kind of mental illness? What should I do? What should I do? I am so lost! I don‘t know what to do with my wife! Oh! I am so sorry for starting this post in such an exalted way. It‘s just that... that I am seriously concerned about my wife. You might be asking why… First of all, let me introduce myself. I am the author of this blog. My
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Devoir anglais - the bar where your cash is worthless
The document that I am about to study is an article entitled « The bar where your cash is worthless », from BBC NEWS which was published in 2018. It deals with cashless establisments in South London Nowadays, thanks to digitalisation and technology advances, many systems have evolved such as payments methods for example. Several establishments and even big companies are using cashless payment’s methods. Through this article, we are going to see why cashless
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« The Pearl Rivers » Christian Lutz
Sourdon Juliette « The Pearl Rivers » Christian Lutz Christian Lutz, photographe genevois s’est fait connaître en construisant, de 2003 à 2012, une trilogie sur le thème du pouvoir, à la fois politique, religieux et économique. Il explorera par la suite la violence de l’humanité à travers la violence des sports de combat extrême puis dissèquera la monté du populisme en Europe. Dans cette grande exposition à la Maison des peintres, à Arles, il explore
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Chapter 3, The Great Gatsby (1925), Francis Scott Fitzgerald
Gautier Chardin Double-Licence Droit/Anglais TD5 Chapter 3, The Great Gatsby (1925), Francis Scott Fitzgerald from ‘There was music’ (L-1) to ‘ticket of admission’ (L-43) 'You don't write because you want to say something, you write because you have something to say.' This quotation from Francis Scott Fitzgerald can be seen as the philosophy of the American author. Born in 1896, in Saint Paul (Minnesota), F. Scott Fitzgerald is one of the most influential authors of
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To what extent do Chapter 3 and 6 reflect Gatsby’s dichotomy between a will of enrichment and a rejection of the society that he lives in ?
Introduction : Some would say that a person cannot run from its roots. Well, it is also the case for Jay Gatsby. If during the incipit and first chapters, a suspense is created in order to entertain the myth-making character that Gatsby is, the reader finally gets to meet Gatsby while taking a look at his regular parties in chapter 3. Although, chapter 6 comes to contrast this impression : indeed, chapter 6 is a
2 028 Mots / 9 Pages