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The Body Shop dissertations et mémoires


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Dernière mise à jour : 3 Juillet 2015
  • The rise of artisan bakeries in UK

    The rise of artisan bakeries in UK

    The rise of artisan bakeries This article entitled « The rise of artisan bakeries » from Sudi PIGOTT was published in “The Indepedant”. It describes the increasing trend of bristish people of eating artisan bread instead of the wrapped-sliced industrial bread. More specifically it describes the “Real Bread” campaign promoting free additives loaves and more transparency in the customers information. Artisanal bread produced by high street retails bakeries represent only 3% of the total bread

    558 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Banksy : the armoured dove

    Banksy : the armoured dove

    I)Banksy L’artiste que nous allons présenter est un personnage mythique du street art, plein de contradictions et de surprises. Banksy, à la fois célèbre et anonyme ; personne ne connaît son identité, mais il s’exprime dans la rue au vu de tous ; et si ses œuvres sont éphémères, leurs messages percutants restent dans les esprits. Il tient à rester anonyme, dans une attitude qui correspond à l’esprit du graffiti (réaliser des œuvres incognito) et

    682 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Cultural attitudes about our bodies

    Cultural attitudes about our bodies

    ENGLISH 111 SPRING 2013 PROFESSOR DUBSON Name: Sarah Benjelloun Touimi Due: February 14, 2013 ESSAY ASSIGNMENT #1 CULTURAL ATTITUDES ABOUT OUR BODIES Beauty is relative and every human being seems sensitive to their beauty. Indeed, taste differs from a person to another and beauty depends on each person’s taste, but whatever the diversity observed in the world, the attention to the beauty nevertheless seems universal. Our society emphasizes discipline, productivity and competition and unfortunately nowadays,

    1 899 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Another brick in the wall

    Another brick in the wall

    LOUVIER Hélène BTS Image 2 PINK FLOYD – Another brick in the wall (part 2) “Another Brick in the Wall” est le titre de trois chansons du groupe Pink Floyd (respectivement: part 1, part 2, part 3), composées par Roger Waters (bassiste et auteur-compositeur, membre fondateur du groupe Pink Floyd) autour d'un même thème musical. Les trois parties figurent sur l'album The Wall paru le 30 novembre 1979. Cet album écrit une histoire, celle d'un

    1 704 Mots / 7 Pages
  • She procured the material from CHINA and assembly in FRANCE

    She procured the material from CHINA and assembly in FRANCE

    • Analyze : It’s a little and family business She procured the material from CHINA and assembly in FRANCE Reduction the cost of the raw materials The market is decreasing because the quality of the raw material isn’t compliance and generate a dissatisfaction of customer. Change the actual traditional manufacturing=>Automated Manufacturing The old machines must change before next summer but Naturassise don’t have the budget (150K€), so the company to limit the basic maintenance. The

    350 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The Benefits of hiring young workers

    The Benefits of hiring young workers

    The Benefits of hiring young workers The companies employ inexperienced people because its individuals can help bring enthusiasm and energy within a company more young employees have a fresh look at everything that is happening around them in the company and notice that the measures develops. The view of a young can help bring novelty and be of high quality Having a fresh perspective can help the company to be inspired to new things, new

    437 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The European Union allocates to the home States 6000 euros per person allowed

    The European Union allocates to the home States 6000 euros per person allowed

    II- The Europe reactions After the migrant crisis on April, Italy's Premier decided to organised an emergency meeting of European interior ministers to address the problem of migrant deaths. They agreed on 10 measures to cope with the crisis: -renforce operations in mediterranean -Have more place in refugee centers -Relocation and resettlement of asylum seekers -Establish a new return programme for rapid return of irregular migrants -triple the budget of migrants Operations -financial help for

    372 Mots / 2 Pages
  • This article from the Economist has been published the 29th of April 2010. It is titled “Who should govern Britain?”

    This article from the Economist has been published the 29th of April 2010. It is titled “Who should govern Britain?”

    This article from the Economist has been published the 29th of April 2010. It is titled “Who should govern Britain?” indeed it has been published a week before the general elections in Britain in 2010. In this subjective article, the journalist is explaining and augmenting precisely his newspaper own point of view about the campaign and the candidates. The Economist’s editorial is liberal although it has taken sides for Conservatives as well as for Labour

    749 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Recount an experience you had as a tourist in the United States

    Recount an experience you had as a tourist in the United States

    A- Recount an experience you had as a tourist in the United States During the summer 2011, we decided, my husband and I, with our three kids, to go for vacation to Walt Disney World in Florida, it was our first time travelling to the United States. We rented a camper on the way to Disney, it wasn’t so easy, because it’s such a long trip, it was more than twenty four hours driving, but

    452 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Teleworking is the future of work.

    Teleworking is the future of work.

    Teleworking is the future of work. Teleworking has become an increasingly way of work since 1950 after Norbert Wiener’s researches. Teleworking is the word, which defines an activity outside of premises of the company thanks to technology and communication. Teleworkers can work in their own home or in a telecenter. Although this way of working sometimes demonstrates to be ineffective, it has often shown a major influence not only on workers’ lives, but also on

    581 Mots / 3 Pages
  • HDA Pink Floyd " Another Brick in the wall "

    HDA Pink Floyd " Another Brick in the wall "

    Another Brick in the Wall Pink Floyd 1/ Biographie L'origine du nom de Pink Floyd provient du nom de deux Bluesmen américains ( Pink Anderson et Floyd Council ). Créé en 1965, c'est un groupe de rock progressif et psychedelique britannique. Il est composé initialement du guitariste et chanteur Syd Barret, du bassiste Roger Waters, du batteur Nick Mason, et de Richard Wright au clavier. Suite à de nombreux problèmes liés a la drogue, le

    1 151 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Discuss the view that Rodolpho is a better role model for how a man ought to behave than Eddie or Marco

    Discuss the view that Rodolpho is a better role model for how a man ought to behave than Eddie or Marco

    Discuss the view that Rodolpho is a better role model for how a man ought to behave than Eddie or Marco. Hello, This is my essay. Thank you for reading ! A role model - for me - is an individual who is admired by the others for his character, his acts, his physical appearance, in our case, his behaviour and reactions. It won't concern Catherine at all, but Marco, Rodolpho and Eddie. For example,

    940 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Les agences globales, below the line, média, professionnelles et les régies

    Les agences globales, below the line, média, professionnelles et les régies

    * AGENCES GLOBALES Proposent des plans de comm média et hors média autour de 4 pôles : * le conseil : assuré par le service de la clientèle, dure 3 ans, 5 étapes : * la fixation d’objectif * la détermination des destinataires et des acteurs * le mix de comm * la planification * la budgétisation * la création : vitrine de certaine agence, 2 savoirs faire : * le concept d’évocation * la

    560 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Anglais, compte rendu d'un article en français de " The Economist "

    Anglais, compte rendu d'un article en français de " The Economist "

    Evaluation 1 – Ecrit Compte rendu écrit en français (10 points) Rédigez un compte rendu en français du dossier documentaire en dégageant les idées essentielles (170 mots +/- 10%). Indiquez le nombre de mots utilisés. Le document est un article tiré de « The Economist » et datant de janvier 2012. Il parle de John Lewis, un grand magasin haut de gamme ayant une place importante pour les consommateurs britanniques. Nick Clegg qui est le

    466 Mots / 2 Pages


    Antoine Li-Shim-Tan 1ere S4 Marivaux Présentation en 20 lignes d’un auteur majeur du XVII-XVIII eme siècles 1-Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux, plus connu sous le nom de Marivaux, né le 4 février 1688 2-Baptisé le 8 février 1688 à Paris où il meurt le 12 février 1763 d’une pleurésie , est un écrivain français 3-sa date de naissance est inconnue mais nous pouvons supposer qu’il est né le 4 février 1688 car à cette

    1 564 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Synthèse anglais Mythes et Héros, is the American Dream a myth or a reality ?

    Synthèse anglais Mythes et Héros, is the American Dream a myth or a reality ?

    Synthèse d’anglais 1 Myth and heroes INTRODUCTION My presentation is going to deal with the notion Myth and Heroes. →To illustrate the notion, I have chosen to talk about the American Dream. The American Dream is the notion that people who start from scratch become rich through hard work. Moreover, the American Dream is the belief that anyone, regardless of where they were born or what class they were born into, can attain succes in

    804 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Chromatographie, Separation of the products formed in the nitration of Phénol

    Chromatographie, Separation of the products formed in the nitration of Phénol

    Tabarnoust 28.04.2016 Ali-François Raum F3.045-24 Introduction In this experiment, we start with solid phenol and the objectif is to make nitrophenol. For that, we are going to use nitric acid, water and dichloromethane to have the final result. Reactions with nitric acid are complicated because nitric acid is an oxidising agent, and phenol is very easily oxidised to give complex tarry products. Reaction equation Reagent M(g/mol) ρ (g/mL) n (mmol) m (g) V (mL) Phenol

    886 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Anglais, racism and ethnic discrimination in the United States

    Anglais, racism and ethnic discrimination in the United States

    Race relations in United-States. Racism and ethnic discrimination in the United States has been a major issue since the colonial era and the slave era. With the colonization, numerous ethnic groups were perceived as lower races. They were subjected to the colonizers white, them is been exploited and reduced to slavery. This practice was certainly abolished in the United States by the XIIIth amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America which officially

    441 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Lettre de motivation, opinion in "reader's opinion" in the newspapze The Sydney Mornin Herald.

    Lettre de motivation, opinion in "reader's opinion" in the newspapze The Sydney Mornin Herald.

    Germain Fanny NSW2000 Sydney Nevers 58000 Scoffield James 2 bis rue du Commandant Barat The Sydney Morning Herald 06584216 Nevers, le 26 novembre 2016 Dear Sir, I am writing this letter for the column « reader's opinion » in your newspaper The Sydney Morning Herald, and I am going to talk about the website WikiLeaks. I think Wikileaks is one of the best thing in the internet. It's not a media control by the government,

    474 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Help to the Eire from Sultan.

    Help to the Eire from Sultan.

    I want to speak about the help that Ireland received during the Famine. I read many articles about that historical event and I remarked that the sources were often contradictory. I found an interesting story about Sultan Khalif Abdulmacid I Khan and his assistance to the salvation of Irish people during the Great Hunger. Sultan was moved by that problem and to help Irish people he offered ten thousand pounds, but the British Ambassador in

    326 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Green supply chain in the food sector : the case of india

    Green supply chain in the food sector : the case of india


    4 932 Mots / 20 Pages
  • How operates the empowerment of citizens? In what ways? And what is its limit?

    How operates the empowerment of citizens? In what ways? And what is its limit?

    The notion I’m going to deal with is Seats and forms of power. To begin with, I would like to give a definition of this notion: Power implies a form of control on somebody or something. It is the fact one can influence a way of thinking or acting, and it generally implies a form of contestation against it. It is defined by seats but also forms: executive, legislative, judicial, and also press which is

    444 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The Problem we all live with Description + Analyse

    The Problem we all live with Description + Analyse

    The Problem We All Live With (en français : Le Problème avec lequel nous vivons tous) est une œuvre du peintre américain Norman Percevel Rockwell parue dans le magazine Look le 14 janvier 1964 durant le Mouvement des droits civiques aux États-Unis d'Amérique. Cette huile sur toile de 91,4 × 147,3 cm se situe normalement au au musée Norman Rockwell, à Stockbridge, dans le Massachusetts mais suite a une demande de Barack Obama il se

    554 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Survey shows rapid growth in online shopping

    Survey shows rapid growth in online shopping

    Survey Shows Rapid Growth in Online Shopping For the first time, consumers say they bought more of their purchases on the web than in stores, according to an annual survey of more than 5,000 online shoppers by United Parcel Service Inc. The shoppers now made 51% of their purchases on the web compared with 48% in 2015 and 47% in 2014, according to the survey by UPS and analytics firm comScore Inc. The survey polled

    1 127 Mots / 5 Pages
  • An examination of contemporary art through the works of Damien Hirst and Marina Abramovic

    An examination of contemporary art through the works of Damien Hirst and Marina Abramovic

    An examination of contemporary art through the works of Damien Hirst and Marina Abramovic (Examining Metaphysical Questions about Death) Extended Essay Visual Arts ABSTRACT Marina Abramovic and Damien Hirst are part of the contemporary art movement, and through their works they explore what can be classified as metaphysical questions, such as the meaning of death. The exploration of the artists’ works is analysed by their approaches and views on matters that humans (consciously and unconsciously)

    3 998 Mots / 16 Pages

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