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The Body Shop dissertations et mémoires


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Dernière mise à jour : 3 Juillet 2015
  • The Hobbit

    The Hobbit

    INTRO Dans le premier chapitre de Bilbo, les premiers indices d'un conte pour enfants bourré d'humour apparaît... Mais surtout de façon assez originale et subtil, Tolkien nous introduit l'intrigue qui va suivre et nous plonge très facilement dans le monde de la Terre du Milieu, en présentant à la fois Bilbo et les Hobbits en général...Nous développerons donc les caractéristiques du Conte et la présentation des Hobbits et de Bilbo. In the first chapter of

    907 Mots / 4 Pages
  • What is the link between eating meat and Global Warming?

    What is the link between eating meat and Global Warming?

    At first glance, one would think that transport or the many factories are the biggest contributors of the total percentage of our greenhouse gas emissions. But in reality our meat consumption is currently the leading cause. Indeed, when one takes into account the surface of the agricultural soils and the quantity of water used to produce the meat. But also, the massive loss of energies between the production of the product and its consumption, we

    1 188 Mots / 5 Pages
  • The wind turbine and the radio

    The wind turbine and the radio

    I. I'm going to write about the wind turbine : it's a device that converts kinetic energy from the wind into electrical power . The man who invented it was Charles Francis Brush from USA . II. Charles got the idea In 1888 .he was thinking about storage battery but he didn't know how to use it for something special and useful but one day when he was walking near his house he got the

    255 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Seats and forms of power: to what extent have the modern media become too powerful?

    Seats and forms of power: to what extent have the modern media become too powerful?

    First, I’m going to speak about the notion “seats and forms of power” and to illustrate this notion I will present the media which is knowing as the 4th estate. Media is all the means of communication. It takes a big part in our life. We read tabloid or quality papers, watch the news on TV. The media is present every day and every single hours in our life, we are surrounded by it. We

    647 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Time and space in the short story "A rose for Emily", W. Faulkner

    Time and space in the short story "A rose for Emily", W. Faulkner

    Alena Silvanovich. 142. Time and space in the short story “A rose for Emily” of W.Faulkner. Rose for Emily is a short story where the chronology of the events and space are the main symbols to reveal the character of Grierson family as they do not contact directly with the other habitants of the city. Through the range of accidental sights: strange smell, shadows in the window, Emily’s purchase in the pharmacy, we are led

    886 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Death Penalty in the USA

    Death Penalty in the USA

    Death Penalty in the USA As Thomas Jefferson said, “the care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government”. Introduction: Society has always used punishment to discourage would-be criminals from unlawful action. Since society has the highest interest in preventing murder, it should use the strongest punishment available to deter murder, and that is the death penalty. Capital punishment is the practice of executing someone

    1 635 Mots / 7 Pages
  • 1786, the king's decision towards deported

    1786, the king's decision towards deported

    In 1786 the King of England decided to make New South Wales the destination of the deported, so they could no longer hurt Britain. The only aim was to unclog the prisons in England and, if possible, to create a colony by putting the convicts back to work. On 13 May 1787, a fleet, departed Portmouth, South of England, to Australia under the command of Captain ARTHUR PHILLIP. It was composed of more than 1000

    815 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Anglais : Notion Idée de progrès. What are the advantages and the risks of Medically assisted procreation?

    Anglais : Notion Idée de progrès. What are the advantages and the risks of Medically assisted procreation?

    Notion: The idea of progress Definition: The progress is an evolution from something which makes life easier. Like new technologies with phones, internet or medical advances like Organ donation. Question: What are the advantages and the risks of Medically assisted procreation? Surrogacy: It’s a mother who carries and gives birth to a baby for another couple. That using In Vitro Fertilization to make embryos which are selected and implanted into the surrogate’s uterus. PDG: Pre-implantation

    331 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Main ideas for the marketing plan

    Main ideas for the marketing plan

    MAIN IDEAS FOR THE MARKETING PLAN To begin with, we shall start with Quorum’s current situation: 1. Situation Analysis: -This section aims to define Quorum and it’s services ( Client-service relationship ). -Quorum is an app that would be available on both play store and apple ; Therefore, the app would be reachable by Smart devices’ users ( estimated to up to 55% of the Spanish population only). 1. Mission: * Quorum facilitates the connection

    331 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The echoes of the “Valley” in “The Wanderer above the Sea of Fogs”

    The echoes of the “Valley” in “The Wanderer above the Sea of Fogs”

    "The Wanderer above the Sea of Fogs" by Friedrich David Caspar dating from 1818 and the nine stanzas "Valley" by Alphonse de Lamartine written in 1819 both share a similar theme, the relations of man with nature. For the Romantics, the "true" was not in the intellectual domain, but in a contemplation of human nature and of Nature itself. First, we will study the fascination and the wonder that man feels while contemplating nature, mysterious,

    462 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The Great Gatsby - Francis Scott Fitzgerald

    The Great Gatsby - Francis Scott Fitzgerald

    The great Gatsby is an american novel written by Francis Scott Fitzgerald during the jazz age in 1925,the period wa caracterized by excessive partying,excessive materialism. The genre of this novel is the modernism because the construction of the novel is experimental and revolutionary. Gatsby is an iconic character, indeed he embodies the American Dream the began his life poor and obscures and became rich and famous. The text sutied in class is an extract from

    386 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The Greek crisis, tragedy or opportunity?

    The Greek crisis, tragedy or opportunity?

    The Greek crisis: tragedy or opportunity? The Greek crisis, or the euro crisis, or the Europe crisis… All of these crises are the consequences of each other. The close links between currency problems, Greek political and economic problems and the lack of supervision from Europe led to a general crisis in Europe. The resulting study will highlight first the context of the euro crisis, through the following main issues: from the creation of Europe, of

    3 937 Mots / 16 Pages
  • Analyse of the "New Sultan" by IKEA

    Analyse of the "New Sultan" by IKEA

    The « New Sultan » by IKEA 1. Presentation : This picture is an ad for Ikea, a brand of furniture. The product is a new comfortable mattress. And it is composed of few words and two photos. 1. Description : On this ad there is 4 words written at the top "Sleep well. Become beautiful" on capital letters, the message that is intended for consumers. Then, below these words, on the middle of the

    364 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Was the Soviet Union seeking global dominance after World War II or was it merely promoting its own security?

    Was the Soviet Union seeking global dominance after World War II or was it merely promoting its own security?

    1. Was the Soviet Union seeking global dominance after World War II or was it merely promoting its own security? Your answer should focus on the first decade after World War II. The Soviet Union has been known throughout its history as a symbol of power and determination. Whilst in hindsight one can clearly see the weaknesses within the pan-national institution, during its height the USSR was a constant threat to the balance of power

    2 016 Mots / 9 Pages
  • How is the third world represented in contemporary narratives of the twenty- first century?

    How is the third world represented in contemporary narratives of the twenty- first century?

    1. How is the third world represented in contemporary narratives of the twenty-first century? Consider how representations have changed over time and the impact of these representations on third world communities. “The word “poverty is, no doubt, a key word of our times, extensively used and abused by everyone…who is qualified to define all that?”[1] Majid Rahnema addressed the focal problem with contemporary third world narratives with this simple question in his paper ‘Global Poverty:

    2 260 Mots / 10 Pages
  • Spaces and Exchanges: how haw advertising changed and adapted over the year to influence our choices and our lifestyle?

    Spaces and Exchanges: how haw advertising changed and adapted over the year to influence our choices and our lifestyle?

    Synthèse n°2 D’anglais I'm going to talk about the notion Spaces and exchanges. To begin with it, I'd like to give a definition of exchange. The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other. The exchanges can appear on many forms: people, trade, advertising etc. In this synthese, we are going to speak about the advertising because nowadays, when you open your eyes, when we go outside, we are

    580 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The influence of media

    The influence of media

    The power makes a reference to the capacity to exercise a control over a person or a group. There are various types of powers, as the power of media, the power of religion, the power of speech or the places of power. How does the power influence people ? In the first place we are going to see the influence of media, then the influence of religion. First of all we are going to see

    420 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The Greek Crisis: Tragedy or Opportunity

    The Greek Crisis: Tragedy or Opportunity

    The Greek Crisis: Tragedy or Opportunity 1. What is the context of the Euro crisis ? 2. What happened with Greece ? 3. What does that mean for french companies ? 1. What is the context of the euro crisis? In 1992 the EC members, numbering twelve, signed the Maastricht treaty forming a more comprehensive European Union (EU) and calling for a common currency. On paper, the Maastricht criteria for a country to join the

    2 753 Mots / 12 Pages
  • Rapport de stage, the royal victoria hôtel

    Rapport de stage, the royal victoria hôtel

    The royal victoria hôtel Macintosh HD:Users:aderonmu:Downloads:the-legacy-royal-victoria-hotel-gwynedd_130220151354571434.jpg junior Aderonmu session 2017 Eurostar sommaire * présentation du pays de galle …………………………………. * présentation de l’entreprise …………………………………… * présentation du personnel ……………………………………… * caractéristique de l’hôtel…………………………………………. * l hôtel en quelle chiffre……………………………………………. * l’attractivité …………………………………………………………… * la concurrence………………………………………………………… * la zone de chalandise ……………………………………………… * les facteur clé de sucées ………………………………………….. * les services proposer………………………………………………. * mes missions…………………………………………………………... * les menus proposer…………………………………………………. * la clientèle ……………………………………………………………… * détail

    1 389 Mots / 6 Pages
  • The role of death in the poem of Baudelaire

    The role of death in the poem of Baudelaire

    My M.A dissertation titled “the role of death in the poem of Baudelaire is in the field of poetry. To answer the question how is death portrayed in the poems of Baudelaire and what is its signification, i have chosen four poems from his well known work “Les fleurs du mal”/ “The flowers of evil”. This collection has been published first in 1857 which comprises of 94 poems, divided into five parts: Spleen and Ideal,

    1 694 Mots / 7 Pages
  • The Odd couple

    The Odd couple

    Meeting the Other, love and friendship – The Odd Couple → Can birds of a different feather can flok together ? The theme of the Odd Couple wich means a couple of person which isn't usual, wich can mix or not together. Extract from Waiting for Godot ( 1954 ) by Samuel Beckett Extract from Of Mice and Men ( 1937 ) by John Steinbeck An adaptation : While waiting for Godot directed by Rudi

    473 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The Odd couple

    The Odd couple

    Meeting the Other, love and friendship – The Odd Couple → Can birds of a different feather can flok together ? The theme of the Odd Couple wich means a couple of person which isn't usual, wich can mix or not together. Extract from Waiting for Godot ( 1954 ) by Samuel Beckett Extract from Of Mice and Men ( 1937 ) by John Steinbeck An adaptation : While waiting for Godot directed by Rudi

    457 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The Great Barrier Reef

    The Great Barrier Reef

    The Great Barrier Reef We took a plane from France to Australia. We arrived to Cairns Airport. It's a country in the Northeast of Australia, not far from the great barrier reef. We slept a day in Cairns. The next day, we went to Fitzroy Island by boat. We stayed a week in a hotel. The hotel was spacious and comfortable. We stayed a week in this hotel, it wasn't expensive, we payed five hundred

    283 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Odd couples: the BFG and Sophie

    Odd couples: the BFG and Sophie

    ODD COUPLE : THE BFG AND SOPHIE The Big Friendly Giant is a book written in 1982 By Roald Dahl and adapted in a movie by Steven Spielbierg in 2016 This is the story of a friendship between The Big Friendly Giant, a snooker eater, a raspberry drinker and a fervent reader of Darles Chickens, and Sophie, playful and ingenious little "earth" girl. two meeting between two beings that everything seems to oppose A girl

    438 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The American dream

    The American dream

    ++Notion 1 : Myths & Heroes:The American dream Introduction : I'm going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. To begin with I'd like to give a definition of this notion; a hero is a person who helps people in need, a hero has moral qualities and sometimes super powers, it's a courageous person and not a vilain; a myth is a typical story , a traditional story which concerns the early history

    986 Mots / 4 Pages

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