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BTS anglais Radio des ballons

Dissertation : BTS anglais Radio des ballons. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  2 Novembre 2018  •  Dissertation  •  512 Mots (3 Pages)  •  998 Vues

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Internship report     Radio des Ballons

 BTS Assistante de gestion PME - PMI

Mélissa Claudel

[pic 1][pic 2][pic 3]

[pic 4]


I did my internship with Radio des Ballons during two years (September 25th to June 30th).

The company is located in Le Thillot in the Vosges. [pic 5]


The instalation of the association is located in the centre of the Thillot near the library.

The Association employs 6 staff; Among them 2 are part-time employees.

The unit or I have worked specializes in-radio broadcasting-grants-the FSER (support base for radio expression) each year, the association recruits a certain number of stagaires to help students acquire or obtain a PLU s great professional experience, but also to take advantage of new talents and to maintain contact with the world of work.

[pic 6]


In the company I was a trainee management assistant.[pic 7]

I worked from 8 am and 12 pm and 2 pm to 5 pm Monday

 to Friday and Wednesday 8 am and 12 pm.

I mainly worked alone, occasionally, I worked with the director.

I carried out several tasks like telephoning, because I like talk with other people. The VAT declaration was easy to do, because the numbers are already writing. I opened and wrote the mail, wich was a daily task. I also updated the suppliers files. This was complicated. I was afraid of making mistakes. I did filing, it was easy and allowed me to get. Every day, I recording some Voice track for the Radio. I writing the bill for the customers. [pic 8]

I used software Excel, World, gmail, nego (bill), access.

Basically as an intern, I learned to:

- Exploit new site

- The World of radio

- The associative world-setting up of a computer network-developing new tools

Of course, in my first week I was given a visit of the establishment to know the activities and the strategies of the company. So I was given a introduction to work with the company

After that, and despite the existence of two studios. I was mainly posted to the headquarters of the Association.


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