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CNED Devoir n°1 Anglais Bts gestion Pme

Dissertation : CNED Devoir n°1 Anglais Bts gestion Pme. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  22 Novembre 2018  •  Dissertation  •  886 Mots (4 Pages)  •  1 727 Vues

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1ere Année Bts Gestion de la PME

Devoir n°1 d'anglais

Épreuve type 1:

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Épreuve type 2:


                                                                                                               Mercurystaff, Mercury Ltd

30 Uxbridge St, Kensington,                                                                  502 Holloway Road
London W8 7TA
                                                                                     London N7 6JD, U.K


020 5489 6945                                                                                       020 7251 7482

                                                                         London, October 15th,2018

Subject: Application for the position of Director's assistant

Dear Madam, dear Sir,

Having graduated from BTS AG of PME and advanced certification in English and Chinese, I think I have the skills for your job. In addition, during the summer I took an advanced course in micro-computing for the office. That's why I allow myself to submit my application.

Integrating your company attracts me particularly. Indeed, this post is all I'm looking for. It will allow me to practice my job as a director's assistant while practicing Chinese, a language that fascinates me. Thanks to my motivation, I would be able to live up to your expectations, I'm sure.

The internships I did during my studies taught me a lot. I have gained experience and I am now very confident for my future job, which I hope will be in your company.

I am at your disposal for any further information. I will be happy to meet you to talk more about my background and my motivations.

I beg you, Madam, Sir, to accept the expression of my respectful greetings.



                                                                                      [pic 2][pic 3][pic 4][pic 5][pic 6]

Épreuve type 3:

[pic 7]


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