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Business plan T-CUTE

Étude de cas : Business plan T-CUTE. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  29 Mai 2018  •  Étude de cas  •  389 Mots (2 Pages)  •  863 Vues

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1: Executive summary

t-cute is a start-up business dedicated to produce a sale natural cosmetic euphorbia’s products

we are the only one who create this kind of products.

We have  a partnership with “Bioforyou” a society making cosmetic  products.

So now we have 6 cosmetic products, maked with the “euphorbia” and they are produced in Bioforyou’s laboratories and certified by LOARC VETOLAB.

Our brand named ‘t-cute’, the source of this name is the Amazigh name of the euphorbia,

2: Business details

The owners of the company is : BATASSA Ghizlane and IBOUDER Khadija, students in the national school of trade and management.

We sell 6 cosmetics products based with the euphorbia.

We have a shop in al Kasbah in Bensergaou Agadir.

Our customers in generally: womens, especially foreign from other countries.

3: marketing sales:

To promote our products, we use the social media like Facebook and Instagram, we try to inform people about our products.

We make some marketing techniques like black Friday,  give a ways, tombolas…

We sell ou products online: by Facebook, whatsapp and instagram.we sell it also in our shop and we try to be present in some expositions like: noel market…

To know how much our products cost, we do some annalistic accountment ; the list is:


  -Shower gel

  -Moroccan soap

  -Artisanal soap


4: management  and employees

We manage our company by working in committees, we have 4 committees: Marketing, communication and sales, products management and the financial committee

We try to make fancy products with high quality, so we try to sell the best products with good prices.

We have 6 employee, all of them are students, so they have knowledge about management, finance, marketing and sales.

Everybody in the team has a mission, and tries to take care about the company.

5: Financials

Our revenue production for 3 year plan includes increases of 5 per cent per year.

Our cost of sales is 58 per cent of gross revenues in year 1, falling back to 54 per cent of gross revenues in year 2 and 3,

Marketing and sales expenses, which include advertising and promotions are 10 per cent on average of net sales.

Add comments on all projected large expenses: property, computers…

Net income is projected to increase by about 27 per cent in year 1: 10 000dhs to 12 700dhs; from 12 700dhs to 16 130dhs in year 2, and so on.


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