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Dior market positionning

Étude de cas : Dior market positionning. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  8 Octobre 2019  •  Étude de cas  •  810 Mots (4 Pages)  •  630 Vues

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Brand Image 

  • Market Positioning. 

             “Dior is more like a traditional leader in the fashion industry because it has been in the industry for many years. They have managed to keep the same level of luxury for many years. It is a timeless luxury brand.” “I think it is not only about pretty dresses, there is a Dior world and they kept the same image over the years.” “Dior is not at the top, it's among the leader but not at the top. Chanel would be higher in the positioning.” “It’s one of the leaders of the market but maybe not the only one. But still a big fashion house. A market leader in some aspects but they do have a lot of competitors.” “Dior is the leader in fashion arena. They are all over social media”. “Not leader,gucci is generating more awareness and is more in the news compared to Dior”. “So, on a commercial point of view, I would say maybe Dior is leader, but for my very personal opinion, I think Dior are very struggling with their identity right now, I think it’s very blurry at the moment. There is not any it-product for me.” “About the numbers, I would say the maison Dior is still efficient and profitable because there is still a lot of tourists buying their clothes, also it’s a very big industry so maybe yes.” "I think Dior is in a part of the leaders. I don’t think the house will be the number one”. “Dior is definitely on the top, but I'm not sure if it’s the current market leader in luxury brands. It also has very strong and reputed brand values.”

  • Historical position
  • On the top
  • Struggling
  • Over, touristic brand

The group of interviewees is mainly divided in two : on one hand, a part of them believes that Dior was and remain on the top of the fashion luxury market. On the other hand a few of the interviewees see the brand as a nearly dead one. 

Even though Dior quickly appears as a staple of fashion luxury because of its history and its inheritance the brand has obviously lost its almighty position in the leader spectrum of today’s luxury. Hence when talking about Dior several expressions come out ad infinitum such as “more of a traditional leader”, “timeless luxury brand”, “very strong and reputed brand values”. In the common mindset, Dior remains on the top of the market, especially because of its mediatic presence. Indeed, the commercial aspect of the brand (the presence in the media, the fashion shows…) appears as their number one priority regarding to the interviewees opinion. Many of them said that “Dior is the leader on fashion arena because it is all over the media” or that “on a commercial point of view Dior is the leader but in terms of quality and design it is really not the same”. Regarding these several opinions, one can say that the image of Dior is completely different according to the fashion knowledge of the interviewee : in the eye of a lambda consumer - let’s say of a non very well aware about today’s fashion industry one Dior remains on the top of the market, because of its history and its perpetual presence on the media Dior keeps its position as a leader of the fashion industry. Nevertheless, according to the opinion of more notified interviewees people who belong in the fashion sphere in one way or another Dior lost its qualification (in matter of quality and design) of a fashion luxury brand. 


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