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Anglais Bts Muc dissertations et mémoires


Dissertations gratuites et de Recherche : 657 Anglais Bts Muc dissertation gratuites 351 - 375

Dernière mise à jour : 3 Août 2015
  • Epreuve E42 BTS CI Liste

    Epreuve E42 BTS CI Liste

    L’épreuve orale E42 en forme CCF (coefficient 2) L’épreuve d’informatique commerciale en contrôle en cours de formation comporte deux sous-épreuves et par conséquent deux dossiers. Il n’est pas aisé de donner un contenu type à ces deux dossiers car le référentiel laisse une grande liberté aux équipes enseignantes et aux candidats pour satisfaire aux critères d’évaluation. Toutefois, les dossiers des candidats devront obligatoirement permettre de contrôler et valider les quatre critères de l’épreuve E42.1 et

    3 715 Mots / 15 Pages
  • Présentation d'article de presse Anglais

    Présentation d'article de presse Anglais

    A l’heure ou Obama s’est ému aux larmes lors de son discours dévoilant une série de mesure pour mieux contrôler les armes. La réaction du lobby des armes ne s’est pas fait attendre. Cela a relancé le débat sur les armes. Les responsables politiques sont divisés, en effet selon l’étude du Pew, les démocrates et les républicains sont divisés sur la création d’un fichier fédéral des ventes d’armes à feu (85 % des démocrates le

    316 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Epreuve d'anglais

    Epreuve d'anglais

    BOUDOU DORIANE L1 lettres classiques E29AN9 - Anglais majeure S2 / E28ANI9 - Anglais mineure niveau intermédiaire S2 Which features does your cell phone have? What can you do with your cell phone? What would you like to do with your phone? Imagine the features of the cell phone of your dreams. (150 words). * The samsung galaxy s5 has a magnificent screen Full house HD of 5.1 " analyze the degree of luminosity of

    442 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Lettre de présentation en anglais

    Lettre de présentation en anglais

    Greetings to whom this may concern, My name Constantinos Ronco and I am a student at the Collégial International Sainte Anne in Montreal, Canada. I’m currently in my last year my pre-university Pure & Applied Sciences program. In order to complete my program, my school requires me to conduct a research project abroad during the months of April and May that lasts four to five weeks that relates to the field I wish to study

    374 Mots / 2 Pages
  • BTS notariat - cours de communication. chap 1 - l'entretien

    BTS notariat - cours de communication. chap 1 - l'entretien

    Communication L’entretien Les questions 1. Présentez vous 1. Pourquoi avoir choisi la voix du notariat ? 1. Expliquez-moi la logique de votre parcours. 1. Pourquoi avoir choisi le BTS plutôt que la faculté ? 1. Donnez-moi vos principales qualités et défauts ? 1. Définissez-vous en deux mots 1. Demander quel est le programme du BTS ? 1. Que voulez-vous faire plus tard ? Comment vous voyez vous dans 5 ans/ 10ans ? 2. Qu’est-ce qu’on

    416 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Commentaire de document en anglais.

    Commentaire de document en anglais.

    Afficher l'image d'origine The queen opened the debate by pronouncing a historic speech where she reminds of the integrity and the power of our nation. The partisans of the petition spoke first. They pointed out that Ireland had already made secession following the Troubles. Then Nicolas Sturgeon, the Scottish Prime Minister and the leader of the Scottish National Party underlined the fact that last year a referendum had been organized in Scotland to know if

    394 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Oral d'anglais "sea shepherd conservation society"

    Oral d'anglais "sea shepherd conservation society"

    Mr Speaker, Ladies and gentleman, I should, first of all, like to thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today. I am here representing « sea shepherd conservation society ». I am reaching out to you because we need your help. Who doesn’t like sharks here ? Who is scared by sharks ? But really, it’s sharks who should be scared of us. In my opinion, there are too much movies where sharks are represented

    472 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Anglais: Be able to take part in a job interview

    Anglais: Be able to take part in a job interview

    Anglais Be able to take part in a job interview 1. Getting a job ⌦Vocabulaire Hive : embauché Carry : porter Look : avoir l'air, semblé Look for : chercher Look like : ressembler Look at : regarder Cover letter : lettre de motivation Intership : stage ad/advert/advertisement : publicité two-year technical degree : BTS A-level : Baccalauréat Bachelor's degree : Licence GCSE (general certificate of secondary education) : Brevet des collèges Technical school certificate

    811 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Anglais, compte rendu d'un article en français de " The Economist "

    Anglais, compte rendu d'un article en français de " The Economist "

    Evaluation 1 – Ecrit Compte rendu écrit en français (10 points) Rédigez un compte rendu en français du dossier documentaire en dégageant les idées essentielles (170 mots +/- 10%). Indiquez le nombre de mots utilisés. Le document est un article tiré de « The Economist » et datant de janvier 2012. Il parle de John Lewis, un grand magasin haut de gamme ayant une place importante pour les consommateurs britanniques. Nick Clegg qui est le

    466 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Cours L1 droit, anglais

    Cours L1 droit, anglais

    ANGLAIS Introduction to international legal English * In national context, legal English deals with how the law is expressed, the language of the law. Law sets norms in national context. Codified manner. Legal term depends of the states, region. EX : Scots law in Scotland. USA; Canada; New Zealand. The definition of the legal English : international dimension. In national context legal English deal with the laws of the countries. In the international context, is

    8 559 Mots / 35 Pages
  • Synthèse anglais Mythes et Héros, is the American Dream a myth or a reality ?

    Synthèse anglais Mythes et Héros, is the American Dream a myth or a reality ?

    Synthèse d’anglais 1 Myth and heroes INTRODUCTION My presentation is going to deal with the notion Myth and Heroes. →To illustrate the notion, I have chosen to talk about the American Dream. The American Dream is the notion that people who start from scratch become rich through hard work. Moreover, the American Dream is the belief that anyone, regardless of where they were born or what class they were born into, can attain succes in

    804 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Anglais, racism and ethnic discrimination in the United States

    Anglais, racism and ethnic discrimination in the United States

    Race relations in United-States. Racism and ethnic discrimination in the United States has been a major issue since the colonial era and the slave era. With the colonization, numerous ethnic groups were perceived as lower races. They were subjected to the colonizers white, them is been exploited and reduced to slavery. This practice was certainly abolished in the United States by the XIIIth amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America which officially

    441 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Anglais terminale, lettre

    Anglais terminale, lettre

    1 Darling Island Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009, Australia 27 november 2016 The Editor The Sydney Morning Herald Dear Sir or Madam, As a response at the article regarding Wikileaks that your newspaper published this week, I am sending you this letter. I was shocked and I still am, because I was never imagine that your newspaper could take this position. However I am still wondering how a newspaper could say that the freedom of speech

    313 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Anglais: myths and heroes

    Anglais: myths and heroes

    MYTHS AND HEROES We often say that a myth is an ancient story about gods, heroes and magic (for exemple, greek myths as The Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer). But a myth is also a theme or character type embodying and idea or a popular belief or tradition embodying the ideals and institutions of a society or an unfounded or false notion. A hero is a mythological or legendary figure often endowed with great

    1 129 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Script, anglais.

    Script, anglais.

    Good morning everyone and thank you for visiting the best global show in the world. My name is Lizbeth Hdez. Today we will have 2 guests, one from Mexico and one from the Netherlands. They came all the way from their countries to be with us today and share their cultures with us. Please welcome Anakaren from Mexico! (Walks in; HOLA A TODOS) And next Jamal from the Netherlands. (Walks In; HALLO ALLEMAAL) Lizbeth: welcome

    1 392 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Analyse " Les incorruptibles " - Anglais

    Analyse " Les incorruptibles " - Anglais

    Intro : This scene is an extract of the movie « The Untouchables » realised by Bryan De Palma. Indeed, this film redraws Al Capone's life during th prohibition in the thirties. Elliot Ness, who's a member of a fraud squad of the city of Chicago to fight against Al Capone's gang. Like the local police is corrupted, Ness surrounds himself with a small team of incorruptible: Jim Malone, Oscar Wallace and Giuseppe Petri. Together,

    803 Mots / 4 Pages
  • BTS commerce international " talk about your internship"

    BTS commerce international " talk about your internship"

    BTS COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL TALK ABOUT YOUR INTERNSHIP Key elements : * The company : * Size , location, type of business * Business environment ( competitors, stock market share , online presence … ) * My internship: * My position (title/ typical day) * My key responsibilities (assignments/tasks/duties) * Skills that you used and skills that you did not have * Analysis : * What you learnt/ new skills you have picked up * Achievements/

    499 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Rapport de Stage CCAS BTS ESF

    Rapport de Stage CCAS BTS ESF

    Introduction : Mon stage s’est déroulé au sein du CCAS (Centre Communal d’Action Sociale) de la ville de Marmande, d’une période de 6 semaines du 16 mai au 24 juin 2016. Ce stage finalise ma première année de BTS ESF (Economie Social Familiale).J’ai choisi comme lieu de stage un CCAS car c’est une structure qui me permettait d’avoir une vue assez large de l’intervention sociale. En effet elle propose une diversité de professionnels ainsi qu’une

    2 055 Mots / 9 Pages
  • Anglais: essai sur les élites

    Anglais: essai sur les élites

    In modern democracies, is political action reserved for an « elite »? The current presidential campaign in the United States shed light on what can drag down candidates’ popularity. Indeed, the status of elite can drum up criticisms from citizens. In our societies, there is a desire to promote the possibility for everyone to have access to prestigious activities and decisions, such as political action. But in my view, this is not really possible for

    288 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Rapport de stage, première année de BTS CG

    Rapport de stage, première année de BTS CG

    RAPPORT DE STAGE PREMIÈRE ANNÉE BTS CG Entreprise: Arterris LE GROUPE ARTERRIS EN BREF Le groupe coopératif Arterris trouve ses racines dans les territoires du Sud de la France. Du Gers au Var, il fédère plus de 25000 agriculteurs issus des régions et de cultures différentes, aux savoir-faire multiples. Ces hommes et ces femmes sont profondément attachés au travail de la terre. Ils partagent le même courage et la même volonté de réaliser leur

    2 018 Mots / 9 Pages
  • Analyse d'un film dystopique en anglais

    Analyse d'un film dystopique en anglais

    the kind dystopian is very used in literature and cinema as noted in hunger games .However, this is not not the only, it is also used in V for vendetta Adam Sutler, a merciless tyrant, succeeded in establishing a fascist regime in England. But a man struggles against his arbitrary power: a mysterious hero who is known as the "V". Multiplying the terrorist actions, he tries to destabilize the Sutler regime. One night, Evey

    307 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Vocabulaire d'anglais...

    Vocabulaire d'anglais...

    Alley = ruelle Narrow = étroit Empty = vide Mysterious = mystérieux Nineteenth century = 19ieme siecle Central London = le centre de Londre The West End = l’ouest de Londre The East End = l’est de Londre Whitechapel District = le cartier Whitechapel Quiet = silencieux Deserted = abandonné Dangerous = dangereux Pleasant = agréable Moon = Lune Killer = un tueur Real name = vrai nom Back = arrière Victim = victime Lady

    985 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Cours BTS EEC

    Cours BTS EEC

    LES PAROIS OPAQUES Pour atteindre l’objectif de la RT 2012, il est nécessaire de limiter la déperdition de chaleur du bâtiment. Ce qui nous revient à parler des parois opaques et donc des couches qui la composent. L'interposition d'un isolant thermique dont la résistance thermique est élevée permet de diminuer de manière significative l'importance du flux thermique à travers la paroi mais aussi de modifier la courbe de température à travers le mur (ce qui

    293 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Dialogue Celine Dion, Jim Carrey, anglais

    Dialogue Celine Dion, Jim Carrey, anglais

    jim Carrey RORY; It's party time. P. A. R. T. Y? Because I gotta! wow this is a proper party, and I can’t believe I’m here to represent my country, I’m like the best celebrity here yet, I can’t believe it. Celine Dion KARINA; You think you are the best celebrity here, Ha think again my poor jim. Look at me, I’m a model for kids and adults and what are you, a poor little

    338 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Synthèse d'anglais Notion 1

    Synthèse d'anglais Notion 1

    Morant Anthony TS2 Synthèse Notion 1 : Idea of progress Sujet : Fiction and Science 1. During this first notion « idea of progress », i focused on new technology like a part of bionic body, cloning, artificial intelligence. This progress could maybechange the human capacity and the world. I have studied a lot of documents like The Biotic age ; O brave new world ; From gattaca to Los Angeles ; Man vs Machine.

    647 Mots / 3 Pages