Anglais dissertations et mémoires
Dissertations gratuites et de Recherche : 257 Anglais dissertation gratuites 76 - 100
Anglais des affaires
rtising, deceptive |la publicité mensongère | |after-sales service |le service après-vente | |agenda |l'ordre du jour | |agent |un représentant | |agent, clearing |un agent en douane | |agent, commission |un commissionnaire | |agent, forwarding |un transitaire | |agent, sole |un agent exclusif | |air waybill |une lettre de transport aérien (LTA) | |appointment |une nomination | |approval, on |sous condition | |articles of partnership (A/P), of association (A/A) |les statuts de la société |
50 451 Mots / 202 Pages -
South Africa : oral d'anglais bac
EXPRESSION ORAL D ANGLAIS Power refers to the ability to influence the behaviour of others or the political or social authority exercised by a government, individuals or an institution. In addition, if power exists in our society, it means that counter-power exists too and subjects may reject the power. We will choose a framework related to the relations between Power and Resistance : The democratic South Africa is the perfect example of a successful political
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Anglais fiche bac
Anglais BAC Spaces and exchanges I am going talk about the notion of Spaces and Exchanges. This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupied and interaction between men and different societies. The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other. The exchanges can appear on many forms : people, trade, information. In order to illustrate this notion, I have chosen to talk about immigration
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Bac anglais
Places and froms of power I’m going to speak about the notion « Places and froms of power », power is the ability to control others, the ability to make things change even if there are obstacles, resistance or opposition. In politics and social science, it’s the ability to change people’s behaviour. However, the counter-power is a force used to counterbalance the power or authority. So,« Are counter-powers growing in influence ? » To answer
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Oral bac anglais
Places and Forms of Power The notion I'm going to deal with is places and forms of powers. To begin with, I'd like to give a definition of this notion: Places can be important buildings or institutions that represent a certain form of power, for example Buckingham Palace who is a symbol of the British monarchy. A place can also be a country or a state – China is a major economic power in today’s
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Anglais fiche bac oral
Notion of progress: INTRO : I'm going to talking about the notion of progress. First of all I would like to give a definition of progress : It can be an advance or a development and especially a progressive of human-kind. In order to illustrate this notion, i have chosen 4 documents :-Movie « Pirate Radio » -Report about Mary Quant -Cover of Time Mag « London » -Movie « Made in Dagenham » But who helped to the progress of human-kind during 60's ?
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Anglais voix passive
Anglais Epreuve du BTS CI : * Résumé d’un texte Anglais en Français Ou * Résumé d’un texte Français en Anglais Vocabulaire Issue Problème Proper dress Tenue appropriée It’s time consuming Cela prend trop de temps Casual wear Décontractée To foster Encourager To seek Chercher/Demander A demand Une demande A laptop Un ordinateur portable Among Parmi Three-piece suit Costume trois pièces Further promoted Promouvoir d’avantage La voix passive 1. L’utilisation. La voix passive est souvent
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CV type Anglais (pour Erasmus)
First name Surname Address + country Telephone numbers (home phone + mobile) Email address sex date of birth Nationality POSITION APPLIED FOR WORK EXPERIENCE from … to … occupation or position held Type of business or sector Employer’s name and address Main activities and responsibilities EDUCATION AND TRAINING from... to … qualification awarded education or training organisation’s name and address (city, country) principal subjects covered or skills acquired PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongue Other languages: Language:
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Cv en anglais
Questions management 1. Le but du manager est de définir les objectifs de l'entreprise, de gérer l'organisation, des taches qu'effectuera le personnel, de gérer les salariés et de vérifier les résultats de l'entreprise. Exemples : il donnera des taches a exécuter , il étudiera les ventes de l'entreprise... 2. Le manager a le role de direction d'une équipe au sein d'une entreprise ou une enseigne, il peut décider des taches, des emplois du temps, des
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Exposé d'Anglais
Do you like partying with your friends ? Do you like watching wonderful landscapes ? Do you like culture and sports ? So come in Limoux, it's the perfect place for you ! Limoux is a fantastic city of 10000 residents situated in the Aude, in the South of France. And these 10000 inhabitants are very friendly and they welcome you without any problem ! You can reach easily our city thanks to various means
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Expose churchill anglais
WINSTON CHURCHILL Childhood and beginnings 1-Family and childhood Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill was born on November 30 1874, in Blenheim Palace, in the Oxfordshire, in the UK. His father Lord Randolph Henry Spencer Churchill was a politician. His mother Jennie Jerome was the daughter of the owner of The New York Time. Like every children of rich people, he had a nurse Miss Everest, with whom he was very near. He go to St George School
3 026 Mots / 13 Pages -
TD anglais - Erasmus
ERASMUS TD 1-Piat 1. TAG CLOUD or MIND MAP ? What are they ? Can you give a definition for each term? 2. CREATE YOUR OWN with the title of this lesson (work in groups of two or three maximum) 3. COME AND SHOW your work and explain why you chose the words 4. TEXT 1 - Read the text below and sum it up in one sentence Erasmus+ study abroad What's it all
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Biographie de Gilbert Montagné en Anglais
Gilbert Montagné Gilbert Montagné was born the 28th December in 1951 in Paris after only 6 months of pregnancy. He's placed in incubator for about 3 months and it's during that time he became blind due to a too oxygen-rich air. At the age of 5, Gilbert’s parents enrolled him in a special school for the blind where, along with the standard subject, he was taught music for five hours a day. He would continue
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Temps en anglais
L’expression du quotidien En français on ne se pose pas la question de comment on parle en Français En anglais en revancher on doit se poser la question parce que ce n’est pas un temps. Exemple : Everyday , I go to school ON rajoute des « S » a la deuxième personne du singulier Pauline goes to schooleveryday Faire une phrase négative,ouintérogative il faut pour cela un auxiliaire Boys do not have theirperiode Ce qui est régulier,
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Présentation d'article de presse Anglais
A l’heure ou Obama s’est ému aux larmes lors de son discours dévoilant une série de mesure pour mieux contrôler les armes. La réaction du lobby des armes ne s’est pas fait attendre. Cela a relancé le débat sur les armes. Les responsables politiques sont divisés, en effet selon l’étude du Pew, les démocrates et les républicains sont divisés sur la création d’un fichier fédéral des ventes d’armes à feu (85 % des démocrates le
316 Mots / 2 Pages -
Présentation oral type pour BTS anglais
Présentation oral anglais (En début d’oral, avant de passer à la présentation du document inconnu) My name is (Prénom Nom). I'm twenty-two years old. The document I am going to deal with is entitled “----------------“. Etc. ********************************************************************************** I am currently studying in (Ville) to obtain a Higher National Diploma in sales and marketing. In 2009, I passed a High School Certificate in Management Technologies and Sciences. After that, I studied accountancy for two years and
648 Mots / 3 Pages -
Epreuve d'anglais
BOUDOU DORIANE L1 lettres classiques E29AN9 - Anglais majeure S2 / E28ANI9 - Anglais mineure niveau intermédiaire S2 Which features does your cell phone have? What can you do with your cell phone? What would you like to do with your phone? Imagine the features of the cell phone of your dreams. (150 words). * The samsung galaxy s5 has a magnificent screen Full house HD of 5.1 " analyze the degree of luminosity of
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Lettre de présentation en anglais
Greetings to whom this may concern, My name Constantinos Ronco and I am a student at the Collégial International Sainte Anne in Montreal, Canada. I’m currently in my last year my pre-university Pure & Applied Sciences program. In order to complete my program, my school requires me to conduct a research project abroad during the months of April and May that lasts four to five weeks that relates to the field I wish to study
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Commentaire de document en anglais.
Afficher l'image d'origine The queen opened the debate by pronouncing a historic speech where she reminds of the integrity and the power of our nation. The partisans of the petition spoke first. They pointed out that Ireland had already made secession following the Troubles. Then Nicolas Sturgeon, the Scottish Prime Minister and the leader of the Scottish National Party underlined the fact that last year a referendum had been organized in Scotland to know if
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Oral d'anglais "sea shepherd conservation society"
Mr Speaker, Ladies and gentleman, I should, first of all, like to thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today. I am here representing « sea shepherd conservation society ». I am reaching out to you because we need your help. Who doesn’t like sharks here ? Who is scared by sharks ? But really, it’s sharks who should be scared of us. In my opinion, there are too much movies where sharks are represented
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Anglais: Be able to take part in a job interview
Anglais Be able to take part in a job interview 1. Getting a job ⌦Vocabulaire Hive : embauché Carry : porter Look : avoir l'air, semblé Look for : chercher Look like : ressembler Look at : regarder Cover letter : lettre de motivation Intership : stage ad/advert/advertisement : publicité two-year technical degree : BTS A-level : Baccalauréat Bachelor's degree : Licence GCSE (general certificate of secondary education) : Brevet des collèges Technical school certificate
811 Mots / 4 Pages -
Anglais, compte rendu d'un article en français de " The Economist "
Evaluation 1 – Ecrit Compte rendu écrit en français (10 points) Rédigez un compte rendu en français du dossier documentaire en dégageant les idées essentielles (170 mots +/- 10%). Indiquez le nombre de mots utilisés. Le document est un article tiré de « The Economist » et datant de janvier 2012. Il parle de John Lewis, un grand magasin haut de gamme ayant une place importante pour les consommateurs britanniques. Nick Clegg qui est le
466 Mots / 2 Pages -
Cours L1 droit, anglais
ANGLAIS Introduction to international legal English * In national context, legal English deals with how the law is expressed, the language of the law. Law sets norms in national context. Codified manner. Legal term depends of the states, region. EX : Scots law in Scotland. USA; Canada; New Zealand. The definition of the legal English : international dimension. In national context legal English deal with the laws of the countries. In the international context, is
8 559 Mots / 35 Pages -
Synthèse anglais Mythes et Héros, is the American Dream a myth or a reality ?
Synthèse d’anglais 1 Myth and heroes INTRODUCTION My presentation is going to deal with the notion Myth and Heroes. →To illustrate the notion, I have chosen to talk about the American Dream. The American Dream is the notion that people who start from scratch become rich through hard work. Moreover, the American Dream is the belief that anyone, regardless of where they were born or what class they were born into, can attain succes in
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Anglais, racism and ethnic discrimination in the United States
Race relations in United-States. Racism and ethnic discrimination in the United States has been a major issue since the colonial era and the slave era. With the colonization, numerous ethnic groups were perceived as lower races. They were subjected to the colonizers white, them is been exploited and reduced to slavery. This practice was certainly abolished in the United States by the XIIIth amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America which officially
441 Mots / 2 Pages