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Anglais dissertations et mémoires


Dissertations gratuites et de Recherche : 257 Anglais dissertation gratuites 101 - 125

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Dernière mise à jour : 6 Août 2015
  • Anglais terminale, lettre

    Anglais terminale, lettre

    1 Darling Island Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009, Australia 27 november 2016 The Editor The Sydney Morning Herald Dear Sir or Madam, As a response at the article regarding Wikileaks that your newspaper published this week, I am sending you this letter. I was shocked and I still am, because I was never imagine that your newspaper could take this position. However I am still wondering how a newspaper could say that the freedom of speech

    313 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Anglais: myths and heroes

    Anglais: myths and heroes

    MYTHS AND HEROES We often say that a myth is an ancient story about gods, heroes and magic (for exemple, greek myths as The Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer). But a myth is also a theme or character type embodying and idea or a popular belief or tradition embodying the ideals and institutions of a society or an unfounded or false notion. A hero is a mythological or legendary figure often endowed with great

    1 129 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Script, anglais.

    Script, anglais.

    Good morning everyone and thank you for visiting the best global show in the world. My name is Lizbeth Hdez. Today we will have 2 guests, one from Mexico and one from the Netherlands. They came all the way from their countries to be with us today and share their cultures with us. Please welcome Anakaren from Mexico! (Walks in; HOLA A TODOS) And next Jamal from the Netherlands. (Walks In; HALLO ALLEMAAL) Lizbeth: welcome

    1 392 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Analyse " Les incorruptibles " - Anglais

    Analyse " Les incorruptibles " - Anglais

    Intro : This scene is an extract of the movie « The Untouchables » realised by Bryan De Palma. Indeed, this film redraws Al Capone's life during th prohibition in the thirties. Elliot Ness, who's a member of a fraud squad of the city of Chicago to fight against Al Capone's gang. Like the local police is corrupted, Ness surrounds himself with a small team of incorruptible: Jim Malone, Oscar Wallace and Giuseppe Petri. Together,

    803 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Anglais: essai sur les élites

    Anglais: essai sur les élites

    In modern democracies, is political action reserved for an « elite »? The current presidential campaign in the United States shed light on what can drag down candidates’ popularity. Indeed, the status of elite can drum up criticisms from citizens. In our societies, there is a desire to promote the possibility for everyone to have access to prestigious activities and decisions, such as political action. But in my view, this is not really possible for

    288 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Analyse d'un film dystopique en anglais

    Analyse d'un film dystopique en anglais

    the kind dystopian is very used in literature and cinema as noted in hunger games .However, this is not not the only, it is also used in V for vendetta Adam Sutler, a merciless tyrant, succeeded in establishing a fascist regime in England. But a man struggles against his arbitrary power: a mysterious hero who is known as the "V". Multiplying the terrorist actions, he tries to destabilize the Sutler regime. One night, Evey

    307 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Vocabulaire d'anglais...

    Vocabulaire d'anglais...

    Alley = ruelle Narrow = étroit Empty = vide Mysterious = mystérieux Nineteenth century = 19ieme siecle Central London = le centre de Londre The West End = l’ouest de Londre The East End = l’est de Londre Whitechapel District = le cartier Whitechapel Quiet = silencieux Deserted = abandonné Dangerous = dangereux Pleasant = agréable Moon = Lune Killer = un tueur Real name = vrai nom Back = arrière Victim = victime Lady

    985 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Dialogue Celine Dion, Jim Carrey, anglais

    Dialogue Celine Dion, Jim Carrey, anglais

    jim Carrey RORY; It's party time. P. A. R. T. Y? Because I gotta! wow this is a proper party, and I can’t believe I’m here to represent my country, I’m like the best celebrity here yet, I can’t believe it. Celine Dion KARINA; You think you are the best celebrity here, Ha think again my poor jim. Look at me, I’m a model for kids and adults and what are you, a poor little

    338 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Synthèse d'anglais Notion 1

    Synthèse d'anglais Notion 1

    Morant Anthony TS2 Synthèse Notion 1 : Idea of progress Sujet : Fiction and Science 1. During this first notion « idea of progress », i focused on new technology like a part of bionic body, cloning, artificial intelligence. This progress could maybechange the human capacity and the world. I have studied a lot of documents like The Biotic age ; O brave new world ; From gattaca to Los Angeles ; Man vs Machine.

    647 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Vocabulaire du DROIT anglais

    Vocabulaire du DROIT anglais

    Law crime and punishment To commit = commettre To accuse someone of a crime = accuser qql To charge someone with a crime = pour accuser qql To plead guilty = plaider coupable To plead not guilty = plaider non coupable To defend/prosecute someone in court = défendre, to argue for or against someone. To sentence someone to a punishment To serve a sentence/ to serve time = purger une peine To acquit an accused

    355 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Anglais : idea of progress

    Anglais : idea of progress

    The notion I’m going to deal with is the idea of progress. To start with, I’d like to give a definition of progress. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change; a technological, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. But the progress doesn’t have only bright sides. I would like to illustrate this notion through the theme of new technology and

    504 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Anglais, notion " Spaces and Exchanges "

    Anglais, notion " Spaces and Exchanges "

    Oral anglais The notion "Spaces and exchanges" deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterised our modern-day world. A field is an area covered by intellectual activity, so today the new fields are those that are actuality, for example the

    1 167 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Oral anglais mythes et héros: are sports people real heroes?

    Oral anglais mythes et héros: are sports people real heroes?

    Intro : I m going to talk about the notion of myth and heroes.To beginning I gonna give a definition of the notion : a myth represent somebody o something surrounded by a amazing estheem by people award qualities and values to hit and respect them. Secondly a hero is somebody famous thanks to fit and qualities and it can be somoeone who is respect for their courage or achievements o can be a main

    653 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Conversation téléphonique en anglais.

    Conversation téléphonique en anglais.

    when you pick up the phone : Good morning/good afternoon (name of the firm) May/ can I help you ? Introducing oneself and saying what you are calling for Soit vous appelez en votre nom, soit vous appelez au nom de votre entreprise. My name is … / This is … . I’m …’s Personal Assistant. I’m calling from … company. I’m calling on behalf of … . I’d like to speak to … .

    270 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Vocabulaire d'anglais.

    Vocabulaire d'anglais.

    Vide : empty injuste : unfair puéril : childish une pensée : a thought de nos jours : nowadays un roman : a novel se plaindre : to complain Le harcelement : harassment un paysage : a landscape une cible : a target nuire à : to harm la liberté d’expression : the freedom of speech une croyance : a belief le flou : the blur un échantillon : a sample le moyen-orient : the

    940 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Marketing, anglais

    Marketing, anglais

    STUDENT NAME: PROGRAMME: Business Management Level 6 STUDENT NUMBER: YEAR: 2016 -2017 GROUP: Level 6 Module Number: BSP6004 Term: 2 Module Title: International and Global Marketing Tutor Responsible For Marking This Assignment: Bachir Sentissi Module Leader: Bachir Sentissi Assignment Hand Out Date: 14/03/2017 Hand In Date: 14/04/2017 ASSIGNMENT TITLE: 50% of overall grade FEEDBACK DATE (Return of assignments to students): One month after submission SECTION A: SELF ASSESSMENT (TO BE COMPLETED BY THE STUDENT)

    1 413 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Anglais : Notion Idée de progrès. What are the advantages and the risks of Medically assisted procreation?

    Anglais : Notion Idée de progrès. What are the advantages and the risks of Medically assisted procreation?

    Notion: The idea of progress Definition: The progress is an evolution from something which makes life easier. Like new technologies with phones, internet or medical advances like Organ donation. Question: What are the advantages and the risks of Medically assisted procreation? Surrogacy: It’s a mother who carries and gives birth to a baby for another couple. That using In Vitro Fertilization to make embryos which are selected and implanted into the surrogate’s uterus. PDG: Pre-implantation

    331 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Anglais vocabulaire

    Anglais vocabulaire

    Vocabulaire Anglais séance 3 * against / in favor of * to reveal / to disclose * to oust * overwhelmingly * to give more credits to… * biased / unbiased / Fairness Bias = same amount of air time * explicitly / openly / clearly * “Echo Chamber” = figurative figure, an image with the rise of social media * nuanced views * “Alt-reality” and “Truthiness” = post-factual reality / outright lies used by

    914 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Cours d'anglais.

    Cours d'anglais.

    Monday, November 7th Pour poser une question sur la fréquence à laquelle on fait quelque chose, on utilise les mots interrogatifs 'How often'. Pour répondre, on va utiliser: Once a day, week, month, year… Twice a week Three times a month Four times a year NB: On peut aussi dire per month, day… Ask your classmate the following questions and write down the answers in pencil. Ex: How often do you eat hamburgers? I eat

    5 093 Mots / 21 Pages
  • La comparaison en anglais

    La comparaison en anglais

    COMPARISON - He's taller than his father (comparative/superiority/short adjectives) - He's more intelligent than I thought (comparative/superirity/long adjectives) - She's as blond as her sister (comparative/equality) - They're less tall than their parents (comparative/inferiority) - The poorest people probably live in Africa (superlative/short adjectives) - He’s the most intelligent boy I’ve ever known (superlative/long adjectives) - She’s the least traditional woman in the world (superlative) - Like their parents, they love horse riding - Unlike

    262 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Vocabulaire manaement en anglais

    Vocabulaire manaement en anglais

    ATA anglais BIENVENUE / RELATION -Je vous souhaite la bienvenue à ... - Au nom de ... Je vous souhaite la bienvenue ... -Je suis heureux de vous accueillir à -Comment était votre vol ? -Voulez-vous boire quelque chose? SUGGÉRER UNE PROCÉDURE -Je voudrais maintenant commencer par suggérer la procédure / l'ordre du jour suivant - Pour commencer, je pense que nous devrions établir la procédure globale - Vous semblez acceptable? - Y at-il quelque

    717 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Article journal sur l'Inde, devoir d'anglais

    Article journal sur l'Inde, devoir d'anglais

    India, a developing country. The Times of India Logo India the second most populated country in the world with more than 1 billion people, have a lot’s of strength but a lot’s of weakness. At the first, India grows up to become a huge potency in the world. In 2016 India became the 7st economies power with is 7.1% of developing per years. The population in India grows up and the economy too. Especially by

    261 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Présentation de lycées en anglais

    Présentation de lycées en anglais

    Tache finale d'anglais Valentin : Hello, I'm Mister Clark and I'm the head master of the sciences high school. Welcome to our high school. Our high school is located in New York in USA and it's the best high school qualified in the sciences. Our high school is public but also free. You have to work well and have a good overall average but also a very good behavior. There is a little place. Our

    283 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Lettre en anglais

    Lettre en anglais

    Dear Abby, I am a student in Degrassi high school, and I have a really good relationship with my girlfriend “Sabrina”. But she is having problems these days; her parents are splitting up, and she seems to be very sad about it. However, the real problem is that her dad wants her to break up with me. Simply because he thinks she that she is young and that I am black I am black. Can

    344 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Traductions, anglais

    Traductions, anglais

    Anglais séance 2 traduction p19 1) Users who infringe the law by downloading copyrighted files should be prosecuted. However all the countries are not ready to put this into real measures. 2)even though there is a lot of research on the political effects of the media, we know much less about the effects of social media on french political opinion / in France 3) wouldn't be it be useful to give consumers of it products

    348 Mots / 2 Pages

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