Anglais dissertations et mémoires
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Anglais base
C:\Users\angelique\Desktop\ecoris-s-insalle-a-lyon-en-septembre-2015-lg-27071.jpg VOCABULAIRE THÉMATIQUE LICENCE CHARGÉ(E) D’AFFAIRES EN IMMOBILIER En plus de cette liste, l’étudiant doit s’assurer connaître le vocabulaire des éléments intérieurs (toit, mur, sol, salon, chauffage, etc.) et extérieurs (garage, jardin, allée, etc.) d’un bien ainsi que les différents types de biens (chalet, villa, etc.). * administrative steps/formalities => formalités admininistratives * advertising hoarding or hoarding (GB) / billboard (US) => panneau d’affichage * agency => agence agency fees => frais d'agence * agreement
1 701 Mots / 7 Pages -
Cabinet Avocat : Organiser une réunion avec le client qui ne parlait uniquement qu’anglais
BTS SAM - Session 2022 ÉPREUVE E4 : OPTIMISATION DES PROCESSUS ADMINISTRATIFS FICHE DESCRIPTIVE DE MISSION Nom et prénom du candidat : MUSQUET Armeline Numéro du candidat : Fiche descriptive numéro : 1 Compétence visée : 1.1 : Support opérationnel aux membres de l’entité Intitulé de la mission : Organisation d’une réunion avec un interlocuteur étranger Nom de l’organisation : SCP Coblence Avocats Durée et date de réalisation : Mission réalisée régulièrement en fonction de
761 Mots / 4 Pages -
Comment naît le régime représentatif anglais après une tentation et le rejet de l’absolutisme au XVIIe siècle ?
L’EVOLUTION POLITIQUE ET SOCIALE EN ANGLETERRE AU XVIIe siècle Comment naît le régime représentatif anglais après une tentation et le rejet de l’absolutisme au XVIIe siècle ? Période Contexte Fin du XVIIIe siècle. Une tutelle anglaise en Amérique : 13 colonies, qui sortent renforcée de la guerre de Sept-Ans contre la France entre 16-63, qui a perdu ses possessions américaines. Un conflit qui a couté cher à l’Angleterre, victorieuse mais affaiblie. Une révolution américaine guidée
927 Mots / 4 Pages -
Fiche de lecture - La Couleur des Sentiments en Anglais
Jacques NKENG 1°AGB Book report « The Help » is a novel written by Kathryn Stockett and published in 2009. The novel tells the story of black maids working in white households in the late 1960’s in Jackson, Mississippi. The chapters are narrated through the eyes of three main characters: Aibileen Clark, Minny Jackson and Skeeter Phelan. This book has been a great success since its publication and even stayed more than a hundred weeks
2 171 Mots / 9 Pages -
Conversation en anglais
Noah Perrin 2 Pro B English Final Test -Hello. -Hello. -How can i help you. -I lost my luggage, and i don't know how i lost it. -Okay i understand, what is the last place when you had it and you see it ? -I remember the last time i had it, it was on the front of the airport, i was trying to find a place to put my luggage in security, i search
439 Mots / 2 Pages -
Lettre de retour client en anglais
Tracie Potts 765 Amsterdam Plaza Peterson , CA 68234, Upper Valley Inc. Krischer Kylian 2587 Back Street Peterson , CA 68234 April 8th , 2020 Dear Sir , Madam , We were sorry to learn that your goods had defects . We are unable to find the origin of the problem apart from the weather which was unfavorable on that day. We apologise for this inconvenience . As we explained to you on the phone
876 Mots / 4 Pages -
Histoire tower bridge en anglais
The Tower Bridge is a British bascule bridge located in London, which allows motorised vehicles to cross the Thames. It belongs to the class of suspension bridges and is made of granite for its façade, steel for its structure and concrete for its foundations. It is located between the boroughs of Southwark and Tower Hamlets, near the Tower of London from which it takes its name. It is one of four bridges managed by the
710 Mots / 3 Pages -
Join in anglais
Mission 1 : incarner une série télé (B1 – EE) WANNA BE YOUR HERO 1°/ Answer this quiz : a- How often do you watch Tv series ? ¤ every day ¤ once a week ¤ once a month ¤ rarely ¤ never b- What is your main (= principal) mode of Tv consumption ? ¤ Netflix ¤ Streaming ¤ Cable ¤ Satellite ¤ illegally acquired from online sources c- How do you like watching
1 410 Mots / 6 Pages -
Adjectifs en anglais
FICHE METHODE Superlatif de supériorité : On compare un élément face à un ensemble Exemple : Enzo est plus grand les autres Superlatif de supériorité : on va différencier 2 types d’adjectifs : * Adjectif court → 2 syllabes ou moins, qui se termine par une voyelle « y » ou « w », on y ajoute -EST à la fin. Nice -> nicest funny -> funniest Low -> lowest Quand le mot se termine
340 Mots / 2 Pages -
Themes anglais bac pro
Today, I am going to talk to you about Rosa Parks. I would like to understand how Rosa Parks became a figure of civil rights? Firstly i will speak about her early life, then i will focus on her fight against racial segregation and finally i will explain why i choose to talk about her. Rosa Parks was born Rosa Louise McCauley in Tuskegee, Alabama, on February 4, 1913. She was an afro American who
1 144 Mots / 5 Pages -
Description image anglais
Le document que je vais vous présenter est une photographie en noir et blanc assez ancienne. Elle représente le portrait d’une famille, une femme et ses trois enfants. Le nom du photographe n’est pas précisé sur le document. Au centre de la photo, je peux voir une femme. Elle semble triste et songeuse. Elle tient son bébé dans ses bras, enroulé dans un plaid. Celui-ci dort tranquillement et ne se rend pas compte de la
591 Mots / 3 Pages -
Lettre de motivation en anglais
Dear Sir or Madam, I am curently a student in Master Degree (Indiquez vote statut) at London Business school, in Finance, banking and Insurane. I am writing to apply for the Accounting Assistant position offer at Macy's, posted on Works-for-you website. I would like to express my interest on the field of finance and accounting, I would seize this great opportunity by putting my skills to work, such as sense of analysis, a good command
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Pièce de théâtre en anglais
Lucy Caroline My name is Lucy i’m a 62 years old isolated widow My name is Caroline I’m an AI offered to Lucy by her daughter The scene takes place in Lucy flat in London And Caroline and Lucy are about to meet. Début de la scène: Hello my name is Caroline I’m from the Hanson company just like sofia,you may know her Hello my name is Lucy ,please to meet you Elle se serrent
303 Mots / 2 Pages -
Portfolio LLCE anglais + Plan
Portfolio Analyse Good morning, today I’m going to present you my personal portfolio that I created and developed during my last year of high school. Let me introduce you the following documents. First I chose the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë written in 1847 which talk about a young women who discovered aspect of the world. Then I chose Emma Watson’s speech on gender equality. Next the third documents is a painting by Frida
980 Mots / 4 Pages -
Vocabulaire médicale en anglais
bande : bandage poubelle dasri : médical waste bin container opct : sharps bin des gants : Gloves un haricot : kidney bowl tweezers ; un clamp désinfectant : antiseptic spray garde veine : intraveinous drip/perfusion bag Une plaie : wound vessie : bladder blood sample holder : la tulipe gants stériles : stérile gloves nedles : aiguilles pince disposable twiezers Faire un pansement : to do a dressing/to dress a wound Prélèvement : sample
294 Mots / 2 Pages -
Exemple de sketch pour un meeting en anglais
Manon : Good morning everyone ! Let’s wait a few minutes so everyone can join. Let’s get started. Our goal today is to discuss the possibility of saving money. This is our list of topics today : the first item is the new technologie to avoid travel, the second items is the expensive air travel and the last items is the hotel’s night. So, we begin with the new technologies. Did everyone have a
827 Mots / 4 Pages -
Cours époque victorienne - anglais
THE NINETEENTH CENTURY NOVEL The late 18th century and the 19th century were characterized by sweeping (=radical) economic, political, technological and social changes. Industrialisation enabled (=a permis) industrialists to make fortunes and witnessed the emergence of the working class whose living and working conditions deteriorated. The period was marked by differing reactions to these social and economic changes. The celebration of industrialisation coexisted with objections to its appalling effects on society, and the rapid urban
4 643 Mots / 19 Pages -
Figures de style en anglais
Figures of speech Alliteration is the repeating of consonant sounds right next to each other, creating a memorable or melodic effect. Example: She sells seashells by the seashore. Antithesis: literary technique that places opposite ideas next to one another in order to draw out their contrast. Ex: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” C. Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities Apostrophe is when a character addresses someone or something
509 Mots / 3 Pages -
Déforestation en anglais
We will see the definition of deforestation, then the causes, then the importance of forests on Earth, a case which found a solution, the products imported by Europe and the possible solutions against deforestation. The deforestation is the cutting down of trees in a large area, or the destruction of forests by people: Deforestation is destroying large areas of tropical rainforest. In the world, there are forty-three (43) million hectares of forests disappeared between twenty
281 Mots / 2 Pages -
TD anglais
TD ANGLAIS Ressources documentaire Bibliothèque numérique Factiva Exercice grammaire .The editor wants to embrace the future instead of the past preposition The news paper has been losing money, however it has managed to survive by finding new investors. The whistleblower decided to reveal the information despite the fact he risked going to prison. Blogs are becoming increasingly popular even thought they are mainly based on opinion rather than facts ans research Contrary to what many
549 Mots / 3 Pages -
CNED BTS communication anglais 1 2A
PAGE DE GARDE DU DEVOIR à compléter et joindre obligatoirement en première page de votre devoir. Indicatif : 29703001440 Code matière (4 chiffres) : 0297AK Nom et Prénom : Sorin Emerson Code matière (4 chiffres) : 0297Ak Adresse complète pour le retour de la copie (copie papier uniquement pour les formations où cela est autorisé) NOM : Adresse : Pays pour l’étranger : Devoir de : Anglais 2A N° : 1 Nombre de fichiers joints
1 041 Mots / 5 Pages -
Expressions utiles anglais
Expressions utiles Pour introduire une idée A topic / the subject matter / a theme / an issue / an assessment / an appraisal / a summary /an account / a synthesis To begin with / first and foremost / at first sight / first of all Pour introduire le texte This article was published in 2007; on October 19th, 2007 It is an article from … dated November 3rd, 2006 This is an excerpt,
1 083 Mots / 5 Pages -
Spécialisation Progressive Culture Sem 4 - en anglais
Civilization Progressive Culture British Cinema Oxford dictionary of film studies National cinema: two underlying assumptions * Films produced within a particular national context will display some distillation of the historical, political and social culture of that country * Cinema plays a role in the construction of national identity as an aspect of popular culture Sociological framework: the mirror vs mould theory of the media * Mirror suggests the media simply reflects the state of society
1 656 Mots / 7 Pages -
Conjugaison en anglais
Le présent : - Present Simple - Le présent simple : désigne un fait, une habitude, une routine, une opinion… une vérité générale. I work at Wall Street English : Je travaille à Wall Street English You are intelligent : Vous êtes intelligent. He has a girlfriend : Il a une petite amie. - Present Continuous - Le présent continu : action qui a lieu dans le moment présent, et qui n'est pas encore achevée. TO BE + gérondif (verbe+ing) I am
1 061 Mots / 5 Pages -
Anglais : black friday
1.He prefers buying brands. 2.He is taller than his brother. 3.This computer is less expensive than the other one. 4.He is more happy today than yesterday. 5.This is the worst day of sales. Black Friday: It’s a day when you can buy things in sales. It is the day after Thanksgiving. In the USA Thanksgiving is the on the fourth Thursday of November. It’s a holiday for the American. In general Americans spend more on
270 Mots / 2 Pages