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Anglais dissertations et mémoires


Dissertations gratuites et de Recherche : 257 Anglais dissertation gratuites 176 - 200

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Dernière mise à jour : 6 Août 2015
  • Anglais : USA and North Korea

    Anglais : USA and North Korea

    When tensions between the USA and North Korea encourage a possible nuclear warfare, one can wonder: What are the several initiatives taken at global scale? The three following documents: an op-ed by Anna Weichselbraun published on July 2017, an article from Mr. Dehghan and Henley written in October 2017, all from the Guardian and a cartoon from the Sacramento Bee drawn in 2015 – bring answers by showing the different nuclear threats to the World

    423 Mots / 2 Pages


    Abandonned Animals in America Introduction : I chose this theme because It makes me disgusted to think of all the animals who are abandoned every year in America and we don't talk about it enough. I begin with the first part on: Overview of the problem, later the second part: Why we should help, after the third part: What we can do to help and finally the conclusion. I. Overview of the problem o In

    269 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Anglais, dialogue

    Anglais, dialogue

    A (tu arrives auprès d’Esteban): Hello Esteban ! E :Hello Axel ! The coffee is really not good!The coffee was been not good A :Is not bad E : Did you heard the manager want to remove some workers by robots A : Yes and I find it disgusting E :Everything’s going to be fine. Maybe it could be great because the turnover will be increased by the company. E :I hope I will get

    371 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Synthèse anglais - Places and forms of power - The NRA

    Synthèse anglais - Places and forms of power - The NRA

    Introduction I’m going to treat the notion of “Places and forms of power”. First of all I'd like to give a definition of the notion. The term “Places” denotes important buildings or institutions or a place anywhere in the world. Power is the ability to control others, events or resources; the ability to make things happen despite obstacles, opposition. At all times, power has been in the hands of politicians or military chiefs. But power

    1 237 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Anglais Devoir 1893

    Anglais Devoir 1893

    La formation de dioxyde de carbone permet de faire gonfler le pain. Le bicarbonate de soude NaHCO3 permet l’échappement du dioxyde de carbone et donc entraîne le gonflement rapide du pain. Tandis qu’avec la levure ce procédé est beaucoup plus long c’est pourquoi on doit laisser la patte reposer. Correction : Lors de l’expérience précédente, un des flacons contenait du vinaigre auquel a été ajouté du bicarbonate de soude. Cette réaction chimique, immédiate, donne naissance

    6 139 Mots / 25 Pages
  • Synthèse anglais Mythes et Héros

    Synthèse anglais Mythes et Héros

    During the shcool year we focused on a chapter entitled « The USA : still an American dream ? ». By studying the concepts of the american dreams through the exprerience of immigration, it illustrates the notion « MYTHS AND HEROES » which i would like to define first : a myth is a story with a great symbolic power, It can be true or not and a heroes it is a person who is

    595 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Anglais lieux et formes de pouvoir

    Anglais lieux et formes de pouvoir

    Hello, today I am going to talk about the notion places and forms of power. First, the power is the ability to influence the behavior of people in order to live together members of a community who accepts rules and laws. It helps to create social cohesion but can also leads to conflicts and tensions. To illustrate the notion, I am going to talk about gun violence in the US. I will develop it trough

    825 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Fiche de lecture en anglais

    Fiche de lecture en anglais

    Chapter 1: Description of the Pont-Neuf crossing where no one lingers. Description of Thérèse Raquin's haberdashery shop and the three people who live there: Mrs. Raquin, Thérèse and Camille. Chapter 2: Mrs. Raquin left Vernon. His son, Camille, is a very sick man who is trying to get away from his mother. He was raised with his cousin Therese, who is sweet and calm. They are married but act as before. Nothing has changed. Therese

    458 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Anglais / Devoir n°1 / Cned / MUC

    Anglais / Devoir n°1 / Cned / MUC

    Anglais : Devoir n°1 Partie 1 : Le document que nous allons étudier et un article tiré journal « Forbes ». Il décrit comment les spécialistes du marketing mettent en œuvre des actions pour développer leurs produits et contrôler leur image. Seulement, il y à parfois des imprévus. Lorsque les messages que souhaitent faire passer les spécialistes sont détournés, leur image et leur réputation est entaché, d’autant plus lorsque ce sont les médias sociaux. Le

    434 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Oral d'anglais

    Oral d'anglais

    1. Introduction From May 13rd to June 1 2019, I did my placement in a small banking agency called CIC. 2. Your company My place of work was situated in a small town called Coutances in the suburbs of Saint-Lô. It was a bank of about 5 employees. Every day I had to take the car. The journey took about 30 minutes. 3. The department you worked in I worked in the reception of the

    296 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Oral anglais de fin d'année Bac Pro

    Oral anglais de fin d'année Bac Pro

    My name is - , I’m 18 years old. I study electronics at - technical school in -. I specialize in multimedia systems and household devices. I am going to speak about the movie Invictus After a few facts, I am going to talk about the main characters, then I will try and sum up the plot. In the end, I’d like to give my opinion about the movie and explain why I chose this

    1 091 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Fiche sur les temps en anglais

    Fiche sur les temps en anglais

    TEMPS / FORME FORME AFFIRMATIVE FORME INTERROGATIVE FORME NEGATIVE PRESENT SIMPLE B.V. + S ou ES à la 3e pers. du sing. DO ou DOES + SUJET + B.V. S + DON’T ou DOESN’T + B.V. He talks a lot. Does he talk a lot ? He doesn’t talk much. PRESENT CONTINUOUS BE + B.V. + ING BE + S + B.V. + ING S + BE + NOT + B.V. + ING He’s talking.

    539 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Présentation Full Metal Alchemist Anglais

    Présentation Full Metal Alchemist Anglais

    Full Metal Alchemist Hi ! My name is Tansel and today i’m gonnna present you and review a manga. And this manga is named « Full Metal Alchemist ». Full Metal Alchemist is a manga written and illustrated by Himoru Arakawa and firstly published on July two thousand and one. And it’s an shonen manga series that got in total 27 volumes. You have to know that i’m reaally a big fan of all the

    730 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Traduction sur le thème du handicap - anglais

    Traduction sur le thème du handicap - anglais

    Aujourd’hui, j’aimerais m’expliquer sur le mot handicap, mais par quoi il est définit réellement selon la société ? Il s’agit d’une simple minorité, victime de préjugé avec uniquement les handicapés mentaux et handicapés physiques et qu’ils sont inutiles. Moi, je ne suis pas en accord avec cette définition que la société elle-même nous donne. Pour moi, une personne avec un handicap c’est : une personne a qui soit génétiquement ou involontairement ont a retiré quelque

    622 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Oral anglais Tokyo

    Oral anglais Tokyo

    Today, we will tell you about a very special city: Tokyo First of all, Tokyo is often seen as a polluting city, ignoring the new priority of ecology. Yet the capital is undertaking major projects and has made considerable efforts for nature. The objective is to prove that Tokyo’s environmental actions are effective and that, compared to other cities, they require significant commitments. Even though they represent obvious constraints, they are at the origin of

    704 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Anglais (temps du passé)

    Anglais (temps du passé)

    Le présent simple : (Sujet + Verbe + Compléments) Le présent simple a 4 utilisations : 1. Il décrit une habitude, une action régulière. « I go to school every day. » (Je vais à l’école tous les jours.) 2. Il énonce des faits généralement vrais. « People are often nice with children. » (Les gens sont souvent gentils avec les enfants.) 3. Il sert à dire ce qu’on aime, qu’on apprécie, … ou le

    3 280 Mots / 14 Pages
  • Questions réponses en anglais

    1)What is your favorit seson and why ? My favorite season is spring because the days are longer but also because the vegetation comes back to life 2)If you could any superpower what would it be? if I could have a super power that would be the telekinesis 3)what makes you happy when you are sad? What makes me happy when I'm sad is to ride my horse and go out with my friends 4)what is

    322 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Exposée anglais de l'eau pour les elephants

    Exposée anglais de l'eau pour les elephants

    Water for Elephants : First of all, Water for Elephants Movie is an adaptation of the historical novel « Water for Elephants » by Sara Gruen in 2007. Water for Elephants is an American film by Francis Lawrence, released on May 4, 2011 and written by Richard Lagravenese. Francis Lawrence is a famous American director and film producer. He notably directed I am a legend and the wise Hunger Games. Richard LaGravenese is an American

    534 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Circuit Ecosse en anglais

    Circuit Ecosse en anglais

    Lichenthaler Mathilde On the Scottish castles route Our price includes the following features * 6 nights’ accommodation with breakfast in 6 different hotels in Scotland. * a day in the largest city in Scotland; Glasgow. But also in the historic city where several battles take place; Stirling * a crossing in the mist in the magical region of the Trossachs * a visit to Urquhart Castle where you can see Loch Ness Lake and perhaps

    609 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Compte rendu anglais bts ci

    Compte rendu anglais bts ci

    / English / Coffee In this audio document, we can heard that India ans United Stades of America, who drink tea and coffee, are changing their consumption. Indian people, influenced by Starbucks and US series quit tea for coffee. On the other side, the same trend is currently observed in U.S. but for tea. Consumers are searching products who gave benefits but more of that, an eco-friendly approach. The south american farmers of coffee are

    416 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Anglais - Job Interview - Entretien embauche

    Anglais - Job Interview - Entretien embauche

    * What were your responsibilities I had various responsibilities in my previous job. It was mostly about coaching other employees and work together as a team. But also maintains marketing staff by recruiting, selecting, orienting and training employees. Obviously, a big part of my personal work was to contribute to the marketing effectiveness. * Have you ever had difficulty working with a manager? Yes, it’s sometimes difficult I think, but in the end, I always

    509 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Devoir anglais - the bar where your cash is worthless

    Devoir anglais - the bar where your cash is worthless

    The document that I am about to study is an article entitled « The bar where your cash is worthless », from BBC NEWS which was published in 2018. It deals with cashless establisments in South London Nowadays, thanks to digitalisation and technology advances, many systems have evolved such as payments methods for example. Several establishments and even big companies are using cashless payment’s methods. Through this article, we are going to see why cashless

    310 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Expression Ecrite type bac anglais LV1

    Expression Ecrite type bac anglais LV1

    Sujet 3 Dear Sue, No harm meant, and i do understand that it may get on your nerves to read or hear here and there that woman are good for nothing except cooking and cleaning. God knows it’s not what i meant in my previous letter ! It was merely an observation, and you can deny it ! Even though doors are open, as you say, and women theoretically have the possibility to graduate in

    383 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Réponse de l'option théâtre en Anglais

    Réponse de l'option théâtre en Anglais

    UBO questionnaire Théâtre en VO Please answer the following questions. (In total, no less than two pages & no more than three pages in Helvetica Neuve at 12pt) - Why did you choose Théâtre en VO ? I chose Théâtre en VO because I was always fascinated by theatre and I love English very much. For me it was a new experience that mixed two things I love. I also wanted to overcome my "fear/shyness"

    971 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Présentation d'entreprise en anglais

    Présentation d'entreprise en anglais

    INTRODUCTION Within the curriculum of my studies in "BTS gestion de PME" equivalent to Higher National Certificat Personal Assistant in small and Medium-Sized Companies, I was asked to write out an activity report to explain the aim of my job. The aim is to enable trainees, to put what is learned at school into practice in a working environment. I. PRESENTATION OF THE COMPANY I'm an initial, during the two years I had two internship

    553 Mots / 3 Pages

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