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Into The Wild dissertations et mémoires


Dissertations gratuites et de Recherche : 268 Into The Wild dissertation gratuites 251 - 268

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Dernière mise à jour : 2 Juillet 2015
  • Do you agree with the statement : “ dating has come isolated from the rest of social life ”

    Do you agree with the statement : “ dating has come isolated from the rest of social life ”

    terminale générale ENGLISH Subject : Do you agree with the statement : “dating has come isolated from the rest of social life”. Online dating has changed the way humans find and court potential partners. Tinder has changed the way people meet another. Before technology changed our lives completely, most people found their potential dates through social circles or work acquaintances. Dating apps have erected walls between the search for potential partners and the normal community

    387 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Sustainability Issues in the automotive industry

    Sustainability Issues in the automotive industry

    Sustainability issues in the automotive industry The automotive industry is one of the most massive industries in the world. It is arguably the largest manufacturing sector in the world (R.J Orsato). Millions of people benefit from this industry's goods' personal mobility, but they also present a wide range of issues that have an impact on our everyday lives. Carbon Emissions The Automobile Industry is one of the largest contributors to Greenhouse Gas Emissions of all

    1 419 Mots / 6 Pages
  • The memor bank

    The memor bank

    Exposé LLCE NOAH Présentation de l’idée : Hello, we are scientists and we are here to present you our new project which is the memory bank. This device will change human’s life and we are going to show you why. First of all, we will see the advantages of this device for humans, then we will show you where the chip will be implant and how we will put it in your brain. Next we

    623 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The Aboriginals of Australia

    The Aboriginals of Australia

    The Aboriginals of Australia Aboriginal people have lived in Australia for around 50 000 years or more. Almost all aboriginal people were semi-nomadic, meaning they would move from place to place. They people would settle in a certain area and build or find some temporary shelters.They would hunt for food.After a period of time, the group would move to another place. This way of life meant that the land was never overused. Groups of Aboriginal

    331 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Indian Horse and The Grizzlies Essay

    Indian Horse and The Grizzlies Essay

    Indian Horse and The Grizzlies Essay Both Indian Horse and The Grizzlies seemingly present the white savior trope. Indeed, both book and film tell the story of indigenous children rescued by white Canadians. But, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that the true heroes are the children, for to be a hero is not necessarily to have saved others, but rather to have saved oneself. In Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese, Saul is the hero.

    769 Mots / 4 Pages
  • The world of work

    The world of work

    1. In the world of work the employers try to find the best working conditions for the well-being of their employees. Dans le monde du travail, les employeurs tentent de trouver les meilleures conditions de travail pour le bien-être de leurs salariés. 2. Today many companies in the Silicon Valley try to offer a progressive workplace culture in order to improve the quality of work. Aujourd'hui, de nombreuses entreprises de la Silicon Valley tentent de

    285 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Comparison of several documents dealing with the theme of fairy tales

    Comparison of several documents dealing with the theme of fairy tales

    Good morning, I am going to present two works that revisit, each in their own way an extremely popular tale, Cinderella. The Cinderella story, which began as an oral tale, became popular under the pen of Charles Perrault. The tale was then revisited in the 1950’s by Disney Studios in a cartoon. You already all know the story. A young orphan girl, named Cinderella, is kept by her stepmother and stepsisters. She is mistreated and

    1 652 Mots / 7 Pages
  • The Kava ceremony

    The Kava ceremony

    STEP 2: Things to do: There are many things to do in the country such as attending a traditional kava ceremony, then Kava is a traditional root drink, often consumed at ceremonies and social gatherings. It is considered a sacred drink and is an important aspect of the culture. But also participate in a cultural festival, the people living there are famous for their many cultural festivals, which allow you to discover dance, music, cuisine

    610 Mots / 3 Pages
  • How is the US judicial system different from the French judicial system ?

    How is the US judicial system different from the French judicial system ?

    How is the US judicial system different from the French judicial system ? First of all, there are some differences between the US judicial system and the French system. In fact, the structure of this system is different in the two countries. In France, there is a hierarchy of courts. There are courts of first instance, the courts of appeal and finally the highest court, the Cour de cassation. Whereas, in the American system there

    277 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Health and safety in the workplace

    Health and safety in the workplace

    MCj04326570000[1] BTS2 e-Learning 1 (2/10/2023) health and safety in the workplace 1. Reading comprehension(40 minutes) 1. Get connected to the link below https://www.esolcourses.com/content/topics/health-and-safety/health-and-safety-law.html 2. Do Task 1 Dictionary Skills Activity. If you don’t know the words visit Wordreference website 3. Do Task 2 Skimming (reading) 4. Do Task 3 Reading Comprehension and Quiz (online correction) 2. Playing with the words ( 40 minutes) 1. Get connected to the link below to practice your listening comprehension

    337 Mots / 2 Pages
  • How is the current situation between Catholics and Protestants in Belfast portrayed in the three texts? -What explanation

    How is the current situation between Catholics and Protestants in Belfast portrayed in the three texts? -What explanation

    Références du devoir Matière : Anglais Code de la matière : AN21 N° du devoir : 2 Pour les devoirs de langues étrangères, cochez obligatoirement ☒ LVA, ☐ LVB ou ☐ LVC Vos coordonnées Indicatif : 1312022242 Nom : Baverel Prénom : coraline Ville de résidence : Belfort Pays : France Nom du professeur correcteur : Note : Observations générales du correcteur : Questions -How is the current situation between Catholics and Protestants in Belfast

    1 146 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Le portrait de Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde

    Le portrait de Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde

    Le portrait de Dorian Gray Résumé Le Portrait de Dorian Gray est un roman écrit par Oscar Wilde et publié en 1890. L'histoire suit la vie d’un jeune et beau dandy de l'aristocratie londonienne, qui tombe sous le charme de Basil Hallward, un peintre qui le prend pour modèle. Basil peint le portrait de Dorian, qui se rend compte que sa beauté physique est éphémère et qu'il vieillira un jour. Dorian fait alors le souhait

    288 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Te world of the queen of England

    Te world of the queen of England

    Introduction: Today, we will delve into the intriguing world of the Queen of England. As one of the most iconic figures in the world, the Queen plays a pivotal role not only in the history of the United Kingdom but also on the global stage. I. Who is the Queen? A. Introduction to Queen Elizabeth II - Queen Elizabeth II is the current reigning monarch of the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth realms. - Born

    329 Mots / 2 Pages
  • How excited or worried are you about the development of artificial intelligence and virtual reality?

    How excited or worried are you about the development of artificial intelligence and virtual reality?

    How excited or worried are you about the development of artificial intelligence and virtual reality? I feel very excited about the development in artificial intelligence, but I am quite aware of the dangers of this technology. My enthusiasm is due to the attraction for new technologies and an irrational hope to save the planet with it. Indeed, the progresses have been amazingly fast and, once again, the result was far beyond our expectations. I tested

    571 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Influence of digitalization on the millenials customer exerience in the French Automtive sector

    Influence of digitalization on the millenials customer exerience in the French Automtive sector

    Année 2020-2021 What is the influence of digitalization on the customer experience of millennials in the French automotive sector? Livrable n°3 Présenté le 31/05/2020 Par LE COZ Gautier Directeur du mémoire : Mr Makiela Michel PLAGIARISM “I certify that this thesis is personal, cites as references all the sources used and those not contain plagiarism.” PUBLICATION “I certify that my thesis is not confidential and I authorize its online publication by ICN Business School for

    46 278 Mots / 186 Pages
  • The English Game

    The English Game

    The English Game Created by the well-known Julian Fellowes, this Netflix series is a British historical sports drama. Through six episodes, we learn more about the origins of modern association football in England. Indeed, in the 1870s, this sport was for the wealthy but some working-class players changed it forever. For the 1879 FA Cup quarter-finals, the Old Etonians, an upper-class team, take on Darwen FC, a working-class team. Secretly, the Darwen FC owner pays

    558 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The great Gatsby

    The great Gatsby

    Intro: “In his blue gardens, men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars.” This sentence captures the luxuriant and superficial world of Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby. The story follows the summer of Nick Carraway, the narrator, as he makes surprising discoveries about the life of the novel's protagonist, Gatsby. Our extract is situated at the beginning of Chapter 3, when Nick is invited to one

    283 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The cost of contraception in Canada

    The cost of contraception in Canada

    Contraception should be free for everyone in Canada In Canada, there are over 9 million people of childbearing age, nearly a quarter of the Canadian population. To prevent pregnancy a lot of contraception, also known as birth control, is used. For some people the access to contraception can be difficult due to the cost. Contraception should be free for everyone in Canada. The free access to contraception will reduce unplanned pregnancies and promote gender equality

    379 Mots / 2 Pages

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