Windows On The World dissertations et mémoires
Dissertations gratuites et de Recherche : 277 Windows On The World dissertation gratuites 251 - 275
The great resignation
* Today we are going to talk about the Great Resignation. The Great Resignation is the current trend of employees voluntarily leaving their jobs, from the spring of twenty twenty-one to now, especially in the United States. The resignations have been characterized as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic : the refusal of the US government to provide the necessary protection to workers, and the stagnation of wages despite the rising cost of living. The
523 Mots / 3 Pages -
The Eiffel tower
Exercice : video Watch the following video and answer the questions: The Eiffel tower / 1/ Where is Eiffel tower located ? The Eiffel tower is located Paris. 2/ when did the construction start and how long did it take? The construction of the Eiffel tower begins in 1887 and took over 2 years to build. 3/ Where is Eiffel tower made from? The Eiffel tower is made from 4/ how do people look
372 Mots / 2 Pages -
The Benefits and Costs of Serious Running
The Benefits and Costs of Serious Running Robert Stebbins (1992) suggested that the seriousness of an activity is reflected in the amount of commitment and sacrifice an individual is willing to make. There are also psychological benefits (Morgan, 1985) that have been associated with regular running, including lower levels of tension, anxiety, and depression (Farmer, et al., 1988; Martinsen, 1987; North, McCullagh, & Tran, 1990). Runners have been shown to have lower levels of anxiety
857 Mots / 4 Pages -
The problems we all live with
The Problem We All Live With by Norman Rockwell (1964). Hola, me llamo Flavie Bobb, estudiante de tercero tres, y hoy he elegido presentarles el cuadro The problem We All Live With porque denuncia una causa que me es cercana, un problema real y cotidiano, y me pareció importante hablar de ello a través de esta obra durante mi presentación oral. Pero, ¿qué denuncia Norman Rockwell en su obra y cómo lo hace? En primer
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The attack on Pearl Harbor
Isolationism is a trend in U.S. foreign policy for minimal intervention in world affairs. It has long been a foundation of U.S. foreign policy, established as a doctrine by President James Monroe in 1823 The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack by Japanese naval air forces on December 7, 1941, against the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor on the island of Oahu in the U.S. territory of Hawaii. Authorized by Emperor Hirohito
851 Mots / 4 Pages -
Watch Malcolm Gladwell’s TED Talk about Choice, happiness and spaghetti sauce and answer the following questions.
Collège de Maisonneuve English P20 Name: Alison Kapela /12 Watch Malcolm Gladwell’s TED Talk about Choice, happiness and spaghetti sauce and answer the following questions. 1. Why is Howard Moskovitz famous? For inventing spaghettis sauce 2. What did Pepsi want Moskovitz to do? They needed help with the diet Pepsi, they needed to figure out how much Aspertin should go in each can. 3. What was Moskovitz’ revelation while working for Pepsi? The data
375 Mots / 2 Pages -
World café
Dea Qazimi Amal El Amouri LE WORLD CAFÉ Travail de groupe en rotation Année : P6 Thématique : L’environnement Durée : 2x50 minutes Explication Le world café est une méthode qui amène à débattre sur des sujets d’actualité qui concernent le monde. La classe est aménagée de manière à créer une atmosphère agréable, pour que les élèves se sentent à l’aise. Ces derniers sont répartis en équipes, chacune constituée d’un hôte et de plusieurs invités.
919 Mots / 4 Pages -
How do these three documents describe a world of facial recognition ?
The documents studied today are about facial recognition. The documents that we are going to study come from press articles. The first is from the GUARDIAN, the second from SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST and the last from the WASHINGTON POST. There is an image, document C, on which we can observe people walking in the street and which have frames indicating their year of birth. Document A is a press article dated Monday, July 29,
460 Mots / 2 Pages -
The Real Tampering Guide
The Real Tampering Guide Welcome to my tutorial on how to tamper using the Box Method, please do not leak this out of MagicPID and always remember adding little personal tweaks can be the difference from getting your item and getting nothing! #1 - Sealing the Package When sealing the package always remember to unseal it, as stupid as it sounds I used this every time I use the box method. Im going to use
504 Mots / 3 Pages -
The gentrification of football or How a popular sport has become elitist and controlled by business? : The example of the British premier league from 1992 to 2020
The gentrification of football or How a popular sport has become elitist and controlled by business? : The example of the British premier league from 1992 to 2020. Football and sports in general are the reflect of the society and can help understand his tendencies. Football is the most popular sport in the world. In the 19th century the game was only played in schools by aristocrats. Then the Education Act gave the opportunity for
1 102 Mots / 5 Pages -
Comparison book Murder on the Orient Express with film Glass Onion : A Knives Out Mystery
I read the book Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie and watched the movie Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery, both about crime. I chose this book because Agatha Christie is a popular crime author and the title of the book is interesting. I chose this movie because it has just come out and I heard that it is a good movie. In this report, I am going to compare the two. The
1 020 Mots / 5 Pages -
Do you agree with the statement : “ dating has come isolated from the rest of social life ”
terminale générale ENGLISH Subject : Do you agree with the statement : “dating has come isolated from the rest of social life”. Online dating has changed the way humans find and court potential partners. Tinder has changed the way people meet another. Before technology changed our lives completely, most people found their potential dates through social circles or work acquaintances. Dating apps have erected walls between the search for potential partners and the normal community
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Sustainability Issues in the automotive industry
Sustainability issues in the automotive industry The automotive industry is one of the most massive industries in the world. It is arguably the largest manufacturing sector in the world (R.J Orsato). Millions of people benefit from this industry's goods' personal mobility, but they also present a wide range of issues that have an impact on our everyday lives. Carbon Emissions The Automobile Industry is one of the largest contributors to Greenhouse Gas Emissions of all
1 419 Mots / 6 Pages -
The memor bank
Exposé LLCE NOAH Présentation de l’idée : Hello, we are scientists and we are here to present you our new project which is the memory bank. This device will change human’s life and we are going to show you why. First of all, we will see the advantages of this device for humans, then we will show you where the chip will be implant and how we will put it in your brain. Next we
623 Mots / 3 Pages -
The Aboriginals of Australia
The Aboriginals of Australia Aboriginal people have lived in Australia for around 50 000 years or more. Almost all aboriginal people were semi-nomadic, meaning they would move from place to place. They people would settle in a certain area and build or find some temporary shelters.They would hunt for food.After a period of time, the group would move to another place. This way of life meant that the land was never overused. Groups of Aboriginal
331 Mots / 2 Pages -
Indian Horse and The Grizzlies Essay
Indian Horse and The Grizzlies Essay Both Indian Horse and The Grizzlies seemingly present the white savior trope. Indeed, both book and film tell the story of indigenous children rescued by white Canadians. But, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that the true heroes are the children, for to be a hero is not necessarily to have saved others, but rather to have saved oneself. In Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese, Saul is the hero.
769 Mots / 4 Pages -
Comparison of several documents dealing with the theme of fairy tales
Good morning, I am going to present two works that revisit, each in their own way an extremely popular tale, Cinderella. The Cinderella story, which began as an oral tale, became popular under the pen of Charles Perrault. The tale was then revisited in the 1950’s by Disney Studios in a cartoon. You already all know the story. A young orphan girl, named Cinderella, is kept by her stepmother and stepsisters. She is mistreated and
1 652 Mots / 7 Pages -
The Kava ceremony
STEP 2: Things to do: There are many things to do in the country such as attending a traditional kava ceremony, then Kava is a traditional root drink, often consumed at ceremonies and social gatherings. It is considered a sacred drink and is an important aspect of the culture. But also participate in a cultural festival, the people living there are famous for their many cultural festivals, which allow you to discover dance, music, cuisine
610 Mots / 3 Pages -
How is the US judicial system different from the French judicial system ?
How is the US judicial system different from the French judicial system ? First of all, there are some differences between the US judicial system and the French system. In fact, the structure of this system is different in the two countries. In France, there is a hierarchy of courts. There are courts of first instance, the courts of appeal and finally the highest court, the Cour de cassation. Whereas, in the American system there
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Health and safety in the workplace
MCj04326570000[1] BTS2 e-Learning 1 (2/10/2023) health and safety in the workplace 1. Reading comprehension(40 minutes) 1. Get connected to the link below 2. Do Task 1 Dictionary Skills Activity. If you don’t know the words visit Wordreference website 3. Do Task 2 Skimming (reading) 4. Do Task 3 Reading Comprehension and Quiz (online correction) 2. Playing with the words ( 40 minutes) 1. Get connected to the link below to practice your listening comprehension
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How is the current situation between Catholics and Protestants in Belfast portrayed in the three texts? -What explanation
Références du devoir Matière : Anglais Code de la matière : AN21 N° du devoir : 2 Pour les devoirs de langues étrangères, cochez obligatoirement ☒ LVA, ☐ LVB ou ☐ LVC Vos coordonnées Indicatif : 1312022242 Nom : Baverel Prénom : coraline Ville de résidence : Belfort Pays : France Nom du professeur correcteur : Note : Observations générales du correcteur : Questions -How is the current situation between Catholics and Protestants in Belfast
1 146 Mots / 5 Pages -
How does this set of documents bring into relief the challenges of sustainable travel ?
Nowadays, tourism has an important place in the world. It experienced an increasing importance, and some countries in this world have even economies based on their touristic activities. The main issue is that tourism in mainly incompatible with ecology. In fact, the principles of tourism make it a danger for the environment, even more with the practice of last tourism (it is actually the fact of traveling to endangered places because you want to
602 Mots / 3 Pages -
How excited or worried are you about the development of artificial intelligence and virtual reality?
How excited or worried are you about the development of artificial intelligence and virtual reality? I feel very excited about the development in artificial intelligence, but I am quite aware of the dangers of this technology. My enthusiasm is due to the attraction for new technologies and an irrational hope to save the planet with it. Indeed, the progresses have been amazingly fast and, once again, the result was far beyond our expectations. I tested
571 Mots / 3 Pages -
Influence of digitalization on the millenials customer exerience in the French Automtive sector
Année 2020-2021 What is the influence of digitalization on the customer experience of millennials in the French automotive sector? Livrable n°3 Présenté le 31/05/2020 Par LE COZ Gautier Directeur du mémoire : Mr Makiela Michel PLAGIARISM “I certify that this thesis is personal, cites as references all the sources used and those not contain plagiarism.” PUBLICATION “I certify that my thesis is not confidential and I authorize its online publication by ICN Business School for
46 278 Mots / 186 Pages -
The English Game
The English Game Created by the well-known Julian Fellowes, this Netflix series is a British historical sports drama. Through six episodes, we learn more about the origins of modern association football in England. Indeed, in the 1870s, this sport was for the wealthy but some working-class players changed it forever. For the 1879 FA Cup quarter-finals, the Old Etonians, an upper-class team, take on Darwen FC, a working-class team. Secretly, the Darwen FC owner pays
558 Mots / 3 Pages