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Windows On The World dissertations et mémoires


Dissertations gratuites et de Recherche : 276 Windows On The World dissertation gratuites 151 - 175

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Dernière mise à jour : 27 Juin 2015
  • Mergers and Acquisitions: The Effect of Defences Erected Against Hostile Takeovers

    Mergers and Acquisitions: The Effect of Defences Erected Against Hostile Takeovers

    Mergers and Acquisitions: The Effect of Defences Erected Against Hostile Takeovers Introduction In 2015, the value of announced Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As) touched the $5 trillion.[1] The value of such transactions far exceeds the GPD of various countries across the globe which indicates the importance of Mergers and Acquisitions in today’s world of business. Many companies consider M&As as a corporate strategy (Sunder, 2014) and believe that vital growth can be acquired from the use

    818 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Anglais, The purpose of testing the data variables for Group

    Anglais, The purpose of testing the data variables for Group

    The purpose of testing the data variables for Group #3 (4 members) was to check and confirm the main hypothesis that has been raised, which is how the companies CSR, communication to customers, product aesthetics itself and the price factors are influential towards the online purchase decision making process. The SPSS statistics software was used to analyze collected data (quantitative methods-surveys) collected from 662/732 variable samples (70 of them were deleted due the errors in

    1 293 Mots / 6 Pages
  • The idea of progress

    The idea of progress

    The idea of progress My notion is « The idea of progress » and my issue is « Should we fear progress ? ». The deffinition of progress is the positive evolution of the world in therms of science, technology. It's the evolution of civilization to an ideal goal. So, I'm going to deal with the positive aspect of progress first and after, I'm going to talk about that the progress can be dangerous. On

    728 Mots / 3 Pages
  • To what extent is Beethoven’s “Eroica” Symphony a pivotal point in the history of music?

    To what extent is Beethoven’s “Eroica” Symphony a pivotal point in the history of music?

    In the view of many musicians and music analyst, Beethoven’s 3rd Symphony (Eroica) is considered as the first romantic piece in the history of music. Beethoven started composing this symphony after he had written the famous Heiligenstadt Testament. The Heiligenstadt Testament is a Letter that was addressed to his 2 brothers, Karl and Johann. It reflects his despair over his increasing deafness and his desire to overcome his physical and emotional ailments to complete his

    1 300 Mots / 6 Pages
  • The wall between Mexico and the United States and the reaction of Californians.

    The wall between Mexico and the United States and the reaction of Californians.

    We will present our presentation on the wall between Mexico and the United States and the reaction of Californians. Introduction : On 20th , September 2017, Xavier Becerra, the California Attorney General, filed a lawsuit against the US government. In his complaint, which concerns the border counties of San Diego and Imperial, Xavier Becerra believes that the Trump administration violates the US Constitution, California and federal environmental laws, because of the construction of the barrier

    807 Mots / 4 Pages
  • The Minimalist of Suzhou Museum

    The Minimalist of Suzhou Museum

    The Minimalist of Suzhou Museum The Minimalist of Suzhou Museum EE3AH3 CN Architectural Humanities 3 Critical Theory and Interpretation AH-CHOON Clarence 6509878 ________________ Introduction The essay will look at how the Suzhou museum can be seen as a minimalist architecture with the use of the famous quote “less is more” by Mies Van Der Rohe. The definition of this quote will explain two important keywords which are the message and essential. This will be related

    3 671 Mots / 15 Pages
  • The princess and the frog, 2009

    The princess and the frog, 2009

    The princess and the frog comes out 2009, which is the year of Obama's election as president. This American animated musical film was produced by Walt Disney Studio and, it was released by Walt Disney Pictures with a budget of 105 million. This movie is based on the novel the frog princess by E.D Baker. That novel was also inspired by the fairy tale “the frog prince” written by the brothers Grimm. This movie represents

    658 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths and heroes - impact on the society

    Myths and heroes - impact on the society

    The notion I’m going to talk about is Myths and heroes. A myth can have several definitions, first of all, it's an ancient story, often about gods, heroes and magic. It also represents the traditions and popular beliefs that represent the ideals and institutions of society. Sometimes a myth also refers to a rumor or unfounded information. The first definition of the hero is a legendary or mythological character often endowed with great powers or

    681 Mots / 3 Pages
  • In that framework, we focused on loss of inocence and I asked myself if is the loss of inocence necesserily imply badness ?

    In that framework, we focused on loss of inocence and I asked myself if is the loss of inocence necesserily imply badness ?

    Introduction : This year, we studied among other themes of Exile, Travel and rite of passage. In that framework, we focused on loss of inocence and I asked myself if is the loss of inocence necesserily imply badness ? is the loss of innocence the opposite of growth? Growing implies that experience take over from innocence → not perceived as a loss ; positive process Loss is a negative process, something lost that cannot be retrieved. Why

    961 Mots / 4 Pages
  • How Mark Zuckerberg represent the American dream ?

    How Mark Zuckerberg represent the American dream ?

    MARK ZUCKERBERG There are many people who inspire us in life and give a definition of the « American dream » for various reasons. It’s the case of Mark Zuckerberg, he went from just a child born into a poor city in a middle class family, to become the youngest billionaire in the world. This article are going to talks about his life of heroe and to answer to the question How Mark Zuckerberg represent

    411 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Mot d’accueil de l’adaptation théâtrale du film The Prophet

    Mot d’accueil de l’adaptation théâtrale du film The Prophet

    Mot d’accueil de l’adaptation théâtrale du film The Prophet Révérendes sœurs, chers parents et amis, Nombreux d’entre vous pourraient se demander quel est l’intérêt d’adapter en 2018 un texte littéraire datant de 1923 ? Malgré les quatre-vingt-quinze ans écoulés, Le Prophète de Gibran Khalil Gibran demeure une des œuvres incontournables à l’échelle internationale, traduite en plus de quarante langues. Le secret de la réussite de l’ouvrage le plus vendu aux États-Unis après la Bible réside

    334 Mots / 2 Pages
  • What might be the future energies ?

    HABAB MOHAMED PEIP 1 What might be the future energies ? People are already familiar with solar power, wind power, and even water power. But when it comes to the future of energy, those renewable power sources soon could be old news. Scientists and engineers are now building mashup versions of the renewable sources we’re using today with the goal of generating power with even greater efficiency and sustainability.John Rogers , senior energy analyst for

    977 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Predicting the returns of orders for a retail shoe seller

    Predicting the returns of orders for a retail shoe seller

    TSIA-SD 210 Challenge 2018 Predicting the returns of orders for a retail shoe seller Group member: XIA Jin YI Muyang ZHANG Jiwei Data prepossessing 1. Raw training data At first, we only use the data from the train.csv, without products.csv and customers.csv. Using the random forest with default hyper parameter, we get a classifier who has a training accuracy around 65% and test accuracy 60%. In addition, the features such as LineItem, UnitPMPEUR, TotalLineItems have

    2 352 Mots / 10 Pages
  • Literature Review: The performance of active investment managers

    Literature Review: The performance of active investment managers

    The performance of active investment managers Literature Review May 2017 The performance of active investment managers Author : Lazrek Narjisse Due date: 31.05.2017 13:00 Table of content: Introduction 1.Conventional Performance Measures 1. Sharpe Ratio 2. Treynor Ratio 1.3Jensen’s Alpha 1. Performance 2.1. Conventional performance tests 2.2. Relative performance evaluations 2.3. Performance persistence 1. The Active Managers 3.1. Measuring manager skills 3.2 Accomplishment of Active Managers 3.3. The Performance of active investment managers Conclusion References Introduction

    2 342 Mots / 10 Pages
  • Alterity in the fiction of Yann Martel

    Alterity in the fiction of Yann Martel

    Introduction “Where are you from?” the boy asked. “From many places.” “No one can be from many places,” the boy said. “I’m a shepherd, and I have been to many places, but I come from only one place—from a city near an ancient castle (Coelho 19). The conversation between Santiago and King Melchizedek throws some light on the cosmopolitan nature of English literature and that of the writer Yann Martel. The English literature of the

    5 046 Mots / 21 Pages
  • Notes de lecture. The round house.

    Notes de lecture. The round house.

    THE ROUND HOUSE Passage in the novel that you found particularly interesting or impactful: “ We were not churchgoers. This was our ritual. Our breaking bread, our communion. And it all began with that trusting moment where my father walked up behind my mother and she smiled at his approach without turning. But now they stood staring at each other helplessly over the broken dish. (…) She took a gasping breath and put her had

    1 056 Mots / 5 Pages
  • DESTINY 2 : Relics of the golden age quest tutorial

    DESTINY 2 : Relics of the golden age quest tutorial

    NOM et Prénom (partie 1): ________________________________ NOM et Prénom (partie 2): ________________________________ GROUPE : 5_____ ÉVALUATION : /20 (15% en C2) CORRECTION DU T.E.L Si vous avez fait votre T.E.L. en équipes, vous devez vous séparer la correction ainsi : chaque élève corrige toutes les fautes d’une partie (OSPG). * – 1 pour une « forme corrigée » mal corrigée! * – ½ (- ¼ pour ceux qui ont un très grand nombre de fautes

    736 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Introduction to the British and American Political Institutions

    Introduction to the British and American Political Institutions

    Introduction to the British and American Political Institutions Part 1: The British political system Lecture 1: The monarchy 1. Introduction to the Monarchy Constitutional monarchy: A system of government in which the head of state is a monarch whose power is shared with a constitutionally organised government. Difference from a republic: Head of the state is a president, with more (USA) or less power (Ireland). 1. The sovereign and the branches of government * Executive

    9 944 Mots / 40 Pages
  • AWL academic world list

    AWL academic world list

    VOCABULARY WORK: The Academic Word List Semester 1: headwords of the AWL list - edited version to facilitate learning * On your smartphone, you can use the AWL builder application to hear the pronunciation of words and read a definition of each word: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.CB.AWLBuilder_global * On your computer, you can also look at the table further below (semester 2) and click on the words underlined in blue in the first column to access the definition

    2 942 Mots / 12 Pages
  • The Space

    The Space

    THE SPACE As many news currently because we destroy our planet, thus we need to find an other one to make the same thing. No it is a joke, but really, we have the next destination of humanity in universe. So to start my presentation, I will to introduce some basic notions of the astronomy, then I will present you the next destination: Mars, and why. And finally, we will see the various problems encounter

    892 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Manip de windows 10

    Manip de windows 10

    SI1 – Cours 1 Windows 10 : les manipulations de base Windows 10 a été sorti à l’été 2015 et a été le successeur de Windows 8,1. Il existe différentes versions. Dans le cadre de ce cours, vous utiliserez Windows 10 Education qui possède presque toutes les fonctionnalités de Windows 10 Entreprise. Microsoft définit ainsi la configuration de base pour un ordinateur capable d’accueillir Windows 10 : * Un processeur 32 bits (x86) ou 64

    1 640 Mots / 7 Pages
  • DM d'Anglais : The idea of progress. How did the social progress in the USA evolve between the 20th and the 21st century ?

    DM d'Anglais : The idea of progress. How did the social progress in the USA evolve between the 20th and the 21st century ?

    Idea of progress I am going to talk about the idea of progress Definition of the notion: the progress is the ability to make better some subjects, some topics like science, technology (communication/Internet) or medicine. But it could be in not physical subjects and in human questions: social progress. Problematic: How evolved the social progress in USA between the 20th and the 21th century ? Two parts: Martin Luther’s fight and Obama’s election. -Although the

    270 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Evolution of George along the story

    Evolution of George along the story

    Of Mice and Men Choose anyone character and follow his or her evolution all along the story Of Mice and Men is a book written by John Steinbeck that takes place in the 1930s in the United States, during the Great Depression. At that time, life was really tough and there was very high unemployment. As a result, many men traveled from town to town seeking short-term employment. In this novel, Steinbeck describes the daily

    402 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Hello world

    Hello world

    Ce que le jour doit à la nuit Genre : Roman Sous-genre : Amour Le discours est réel La connotation a pris rôle déjà dans le titre du roman Le mot < jour > évoque la lumière, l’espoir, la paix, le bonheur …. Le mot <nuit> peut suggérer la misère, le malheur, le désespoir, l’oppression et la violence L’auteur a choisis la focalisation interne parce que le narrateur raconte tout ce qu’il voit, tout ce

    282 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The golden gate bridge

    The golden gate bridge

    THE GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE PRESENTATION: I’m going to present you the Golden Gate Bridge The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge located in State of California(United State of America). It connects the city of San Francisco and the city of Sausalito The construction started in january 1933 and finished in april 1937. It is 2,737m long and 250m tall. Requires 20 000L of paint each year. The bridge is called the Golden Gate Bridge

    484 Mots / 2 Pages

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