Leadership Tony Parker
Dissertation : Leadership Tony Parker. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar Clément Hardy • 17 Janvier 2021 • Dissertation • 468 Mots (2 Pages) • 685 Vues
Consumer Behaviour
Session 1
What is consumer behaviour?
- Study of processes
- Obtaining, consuming and disposing
- Individuals or groups
Understanding the consumer
Communicate value
Build, maintain, and reinforce communication with the consumer (costumer relationship)
Economic approach: Value = Benefits and cost
Experiential value: Value = Subject X Object X Context (more relevant)
- Need recognition
- Search for information
- Evaluation of alternatives
- Pre-purchase Issues
- Purchase
- Purchase issues
- Consumption
- Post purchase evaluation
- Post purchase issues
The product base on some habits are directly in Purchase part
Today we consume to show something.
Internal cost related to your previous experience
Do marketers manipulate consumers? Do they create artificial needs?
Are advertising and marketing necessary?
Do marketers promise miracles? AXE
Main trends that have an impact on consumer behaviour ?
- Symbolic aspect of consumption
- Popular culture
- Globalisation
- Web, digitalization
Which ar the different kinds of relationships that consumers can develop with a product ?
- Relationship
- Self-concept attachment
- Nostalgia
- Interdependence
- Love
Why study consumer behaviour ? At what stage of the marketing plan should we take into account ?
4Cs = Consumer solution, costs, convenience, communication
- Observations
- Interviews
- In depth interview
- Focus groups
- Panels or longitudinal studies
- Experimentation
Session 2
Traditionnal decision making process
- Need recognition [pic 1]
- Search of information
- Pre purchase
- Product choice and purchase
- Post consumption evaluation
Needs = biological needs
Maslow pyramid
Conspicuous consumption: purchases motivated to some extent by the desire toshow other people how successful they are