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The Problem We All Live With dissertations et mémoires


Dissertations gratuites et de Recherche : 337 The Problem We All Live With dissertation gratuites 301 - 325

Dernière mise à jour : 9 Août 2015
  • The French version of PredPol is about to arrive in France: good or bad news ?

    The French version of PredPol is about to arrive in France: good or bad news ?

    French version of PredPol : Friday, September 30, two thousand and twenty-two The French version of PredPol is about to arrive in France: good or bad news ? Long used by the Los Angeles police, the PredPol algorithm is being studied by the Quai des Orfèvres for a possible application in Paris next fall. After several discussions, the most skeptical pros and police officers, the following points emerged. The pros at PredPol say the process

    307 Mots / 2 Pages
  • China’s relations over the past 20 years to the present

    China’s relations over the past 20 years to the present

    CHEN Justine, LIN Jacques, ZHENG Elodie, ZHOU Eric Sujet : China’s relations over the past 20 years to the present INTRODUCTION A country with more than 5000 years of history from a Chinese perspective or 3200 years from a western perspective, China emerged as one of the world’s first civilizations. It has been a great power for almost 20 centuries (from the 1st century to the 19th century). We saw that through Chinese history they

    2 168 Mots / 9 Pages
  • The great resignation

    The great resignation

    * Today we are going to talk about the Great Resignation. The Great Resignation is the current trend of employees voluntarily leaving their jobs, from the spring of twenty twenty-one to now, especially in the United States. The resignations have been characterized as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic : the refusal of the US government to provide the necessary protection to workers, and the stagnation of wages despite the rising cost of living. The

    523 Mots / 3 Pages
  • To what extent overfishing impacts the world?

    To what extent overfishing impacts the world?

    DNL: to what extent overfishing impacts the world? More than 171 million tonnes of aquatics goods are fishing in the world every year, so that’s more than 5 400 kg of marines’ species harvested every second. The overfishing -removal of a species of fish from body water at a rate greater than that the species can replenish its population naturally- is a phenomenon topical which represents many strakes for the futures generations. Indeed, these statistics

    2 386 Mots / 10 Pages
  • Découvrir la science politique : préambule et introduction à la construction des problèmes publics

    Découvrir la science politique : préambule et introduction à la construction des problèmes publics

    Découvrir la science politique : préambule et introduction à la construction des problèmes publics Préambule (1) : qu'est-ce que la science politique ? La science politique est une discipline qui emprunte ses méthodes et ses concepts à la sociologie, l’histoire ou l’anthropologie (liste non exhaustive) pour les appliquer aux objets politiques. A l’image des sciences de l’éducation ou les sciences de l’information et de la communication, ce n’est pas une discipline qui dispose d’une épistémologie

    1 063 Mots / 5 Pages
  • The Eiffel tower

    The Eiffel tower

    Exercice : video Watch the following video and answer the questions: The Eiffel tower / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpzflTfm8k0&t=76s 1/ Where is Eiffel tower located ? The Eiffel tower is located Paris. 2/ when did the construction start and how long did it take? The construction of the Eiffel tower begins in 1887 and took over 2 years to build. 3/ Where is Eiffel tower made from? The Eiffel tower is made from 4/ how do people look

    372 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The Benefits and Costs of Serious Running

    The Benefits and Costs of Serious Running

    The Benefits and Costs of Serious Running Robert Stebbins (1992) suggested that the seriousness of an activity is reflected in the amount of commitment and sacrifice an individual is willing to make. There are also psychological benefits (Morgan, 1985) that have been associated with regular running, including lower levels of tension, anxiety, and depression (Farmer, et al., 1988; Martinsen, 1987; North, McCullagh, & Tran, 1990). Runners have been shown to have lower levels of anxiety

    857 Mots / 4 Pages
  • The attack on Pearl Harbor

    The attack on Pearl Harbor

    Isolationism is a trend in U.S. foreign policy for minimal intervention in world affairs. It has long been a foundation of U.S. foreign policy, established as a doctrine by President James Monroe in 1823 The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack by Japanese naval air forces on December 7, 1941, against the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor on the island of Oahu in the U.S. territory of Hawaii. Authorized by Emperor Hirohito

    851 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Identifiez les problèmes de communication

    Identifiez les problèmes de communication

    Chapitre 2 Identifiez les problèmes de communication I/Les problèmes liés à la relation de communication 1. La confusion des niveaux de communication Confusion entre contenu et relation : Des interlocuteurs s’opposent sur le contenu mais en faite pour ne pas perdre la face ils veulent chacun avoir raison au point d’être de mauvaise foi. En apparence le désaccord porte sur le contenu mais en réalité il concerne la relation. Cette confusion trouble la communication. L’inverse

    1 065 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Watch Malcolm Gladwell’s TED Talk about Choice, happiness and spaghetti sauce and answer the following questions.

    Watch Malcolm Gladwell’s TED Talk about Choice, happiness and spaghetti sauce and answer the following questions.

    Collège de Maisonneuve English P20 Name: Alison Kapela /12 Watch Malcolm Gladwell’s TED Talk about Choice, happiness and spaghetti sauce and answer the following questions. https://www.ted.com/talks/malcolm_gladwell_on_spaghetti_sauce#t-1033173 1. Why is Howard Moskovitz famous? For inventing spaghettis sauce 2. What did Pepsi want Moskovitz to do? They needed help with the diet Pepsi, they needed to figure out how much Aspertin should go in each can. 3. What was Moskovitz’ revelation while working for Pepsi? The data

    375 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Analyse de situation problème de déglutition

    Analyse de situation problème de déglutition

    Analyse de situation n°1 Stage 3 Semestre 3 29 janvier 2021 Table des matières 1. Introduction 3 2. Description de la situation 3 3. Questionnement 3 4. Recherche de connaissances 4 4.1. La déglutition 4 4.2. Les mesures à adopter avec un patient qui à des troubles de la déglutition 4 4.3. Que faire en cas d’obstruction des voies aérienne chez un patient alité 5 5. Conclusion 5 6. Bibliographie 6 1. Introduction Je suis

    1 729 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Problème : le café liégeois

    Problème : le café liégeois

    Problème : le café liégeois Après lecture des documents, imaginer une problématique scientifique à laquelle vous apporterez une réponse. doc1 : Doc 2 : Jago - Machine à glaçons - 3 tailles de glaçons 5, 11 et 15 g - temps de préparation : 7-13 min - Température : -5,0°C Doc3 : Cette recette est fabuleuse. Ce café liégeois se boit très froid et non glacé. Idéal par temps chauds ! Tout le secret de

    287 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Is Modern Technology making our lives easier

    Is Modern Technology making our lives easier

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Text from SEO editor (eventually edited by the user, maximum line-length 125 for better readability) 2. Text from SEO editor (eventually edited by the user, full line-length, for easy copy&paste) 3. AI-Generated text, with source annotations 4. AI-Generated text, without source annotations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version #1 - Current version from SEO Editor, less line-width ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Is Modern Technology Making Our Lives Easier I am of the view that in future, modern

    879 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Problèmes de santé (cours infirmier)

    Problèmes de santé (cours infirmier)

    Recueil de données : Ce recueil a été effectué le 2O septembre 2022. Pour le faire, j’ai pu utiliser les informations suite à l’entretien et au dossier de l’usager. La personne que je vais vous présenter s’appelle madame T. Présentation de la personne : Madame T a 83 ans. Elle est veuve et vit seule dans une résidence au rez-de-chaussée. Mme T est retraitée depuis 28 ans. Elle a une personne de confiance qui est

    432 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The Real Tampering Guide

    The Real Tampering Guide

    The Real Tampering Guide Welcome to my tutorial on how to tamper using the Box Method, please do not leak this out of MagicPID and always remember adding little personal tweaks can be the difference from getting your item and getting nothing! #1 - Sealing the Package When sealing the package always remember to unseal it, as stupid as it sounds I used this every time I use the box method. Im going to use

    504 Mots / 3 Pages
  • « Ce qui pose question » pose-t-il « problème » ?

    « Ce qui pose question » pose-t-il « problème » ?

    L’enquête de terrain dont notre groupe de quatre étudiants en formation continue s’est saisi en septembre 2011 porte sur les relations entre l’emploi et la formation dans le champ du développement territorial. Elle s’inscrit dans le module « conception et conduite d’action » du Diplôme d’Etat d’Ingénierie Sociale de notre cursus, porté par l’IRTS – IFOCAS de Montpellier, en lien avec l’Université Paul Valéry. Ce rapport restitue le cheminement qui nous a amenés à problématiser

    500 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The gentrification of football or How a popular sport has become elitist and controlled by business? : The example of the British premier league from 1992 to 2020

    The gentrification of football or How a popular sport has become elitist and controlled by business? : The example of the British premier league from 1992 to 2020

    The gentrification of football or How a popular sport has become elitist and controlled by business? : The example of the British premier league from 1992 to 2020. Football and sports in general are the reflect of the society and can help understand his tendencies. Football is the most popular sport in the world. In the 19th century the game was only played in schools by aristocrats. Then the Education Act gave the opportunity for

    1 102 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Sustainability Issues in the automotive industry

    Sustainability Issues in the automotive industry

    Sustainability issues in the automotive industry The automotive industry is one of the most massive industries in the world. It is arguably the largest manufacturing sector in the world (R.J Orsato). Millions of people benefit from this industry's goods' personal mobility, but they also present a wide range of issues that have an impact on our everyday lives. Carbon Emissions The Automobile Industry is one of the largest contributors to Greenhouse Gas Emissions of all

    1 419 Mots / 6 Pages
  • The memor bank

    The memor bank

    Exposé LLCE NOAH Présentation de l’idée : Hello, we are scientists and we are here to present you our new project which is the memory bank. This device will change human’s life and we are going to show you why. First of all, we will see the advantages of this device for humans, then we will show you where the chip will be implant and how we will put it in your brain. Next we

    623 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The Aboriginals of Australia

    The Aboriginals of Australia

    The Aboriginals of Australia Aboriginal people have lived in Australia for around 50 000 years or more. Almost all aboriginal people were semi-nomadic, meaning they would move from place to place. They people would settle in a certain area and build or find some temporary shelters.They would hunt for food.After a period of time, the group would move to another place. This way of life meant that the land was never overused. Groups of Aboriginal

    331 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Do fugitives lives belong to everyone, as models and martyrs of democracy ?

    Do fugitives lives belong to everyone, as models and martyrs of democracy ?

    Do fugitives lives belong to everyone, as models and martyrs of democracy? History in America has been marked by slavery for more than a hundred years. Indeed, black people didn’t have any rights! This let to a lot of rebellions and attempts of escaping. Underground Railroad Reenactment is a significant way of helping us remember our history as well as honoring the fugitives who suffered from discrimination. First of all, this allows us to truly

    1 699 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Indian Horse and The Grizzlies Essay

    Indian Horse and The Grizzlies Essay

    Indian Horse and The Grizzlies Essay Both Indian Horse and The Grizzlies seemingly present the white savior trope. Indeed, both book and film tell the story of indigenous children rescued by white Canadians. But, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that the true heroes are the children, for to be a hero is not necessarily to have saved others, but rather to have saved oneself. In Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese, Saul is the hero.

    769 Mots / 4 Pages
  • The world of work

    The world of work

    1. In the world of work the employers try to find the best working conditions for the well-being of their employees. Dans le monde du travail, les employeurs tentent de trouver les meilleures conditions de travail pour le bien-être de leurs salariés. 2. Today many companies in the Silicon Valley try to offer a progressive workplace culture in order to improve the quality of work. Aujourd'hui, de nombreuses entreprises de la Silicon Valley tentent de

    285 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Etude de cas : identification d'un besoin ou d'un problème et l'établissement d'un diagnostic

    Etude de cas : identification d'un besoin ou d'un problème et l'établissement d'un diagnostic

    ETUDE DE CAS : IDENTIFICATION D’UN BESOIN OU D’UN PROBLÈME ET L’ÉTABLISSEMENT D’UN DIAGNOSTIC 1. IDENTIFIER ET CARACTÉRISER LE PROBLÈME 1. Le problème est le suivant QUOI ? Bonbec est une entreprise implantée sur deux sites avec son siège social à Châteaubriant et l’usine de production à Carquefou. Malheureusement, les collaborateurs ont appris dans la presse qui allaient devoir déménager. QUI ? Les personnes concernées sont : * Tous les collaborateurs du siège social *

    1 028 Mots / 5 Pages
  • The Kava ceremony

    The Kava ceremony

    STEP 2: Things to do: There are many things to do in the country such as attending a traditional kava ceremony, then Kava is a traditional root drink, often consumed at ceremonies and social gatherings. It is considered a sacred drink and is an important aspect of the culture. But also participate in a cultural festival, the people living there are famous for their many cultural festivals, which allow you to discover dance, music, cuisine

    610 Mots / 3 Pages