Dissertations gratuites et de Recherche : 372 Langues dissertation gratuites 351 - 372
The wall between Mexico and the United States and the reaction of Californians.
We will present our presentation on the wall between Mexico and the United States and the reaction of Californians. Introduction : On 20th , September 2017, Xavier Becerra, the California Attorney General, filed a lawsuit against the US government. In his complaint, which concerns the border counties of San Diego
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Themes anglais bac pro
Today, I am going to talk to you about Rosa Parks. I would like to understand how Rosa Parks became a figure of civil rights? Firstly i will speak about her early life, then i will focus on her fight against racial segregation and finally i will explain why i
1 144 Mots / 5 Pages -
Three things cannot be hidden : the sun, the moon and the truth
KENZA FETTAHI WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT ESSAY 10/10/19 “THREE THINGS CANNOT BE HIDDEN: THE SUN, THE MOON AND THE TRUTH” - BUDDHA Telling the truth has always been a sign of virtue. Truth is considered as a theoretical moral principle that contradicts the reality of the facts. Indeed, if no one openly
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To what extent is putting an economical value on our environmental resources a benefit for our future?
Putting a price on nature has been a controversial issue for many years. While the public opinion converge towards the idea of a commodification of nature leading to the destruction of life on earth, some believe that the protection of nature represent a danger for people and the economy. This
1 003 Mots / 5 Pages -
Toute politique est-elle au service du peuple ?
Atelier de professionnalisation Thème : politique Problématique : Toute politique est-elle au service du peuple ? = Il est souvent affirmé que les politiques sont au service du peuple. Cependant, cette déclaration est souvent contestée et débattue. Certaines personnes considèrent que les politiques ne travaillent pas toujours pour le bien-être
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Trade show
BTS NDRC 21/22 Name : tom corentin bernard emma Organising your first Trade show C:\Users\cguillouet\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.MSO\EB8295C0.tmp Questions to consider : * What is the theme and what is the point of our trade show ? * Where is the venue ? How big is it ? * What is the layout/floor
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Traductions, anglais
Anglais séance 2 traduction p19 1) Users who infringe the law by downloading copyrighted files should be prosecuted. However all the countries are not ready to put this into real measures. 2)even though there is a lot of research on the political effects of the media, we know much less
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True fright
True fright is built on the more subtle characteristics of horror, like the atmosphere and places that the situations take place under. In Suffer The Little Children (King) the story takes place in a school, but ends in a asylum “ A year later ,under strictly controlled conditions, Miss Sidley
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Victorian Medecine
Victorian Medecine (1837-1901) and the Founding Hospital : Summary When Queen Victoria ascended to the throne in 1837, medicine was a world away from what it is today. The cure that doctors and pharmacists were providing to make people better seem quite surprising to us today. Throughout the Victorian era,
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Vocabulaire d'anglais.
Vide : empty injuste : unfair puéril : childish une pensée : a thought de nos jours : nowadays un roman : a novel se plaindre : to complain Le harcelement : harassment un paysage : a landscape une cible : a target nuire à : to harm la liberté
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Vocabulaire Human ressources
Human ressources Types of contract : CDD, CDI, Working hours : temps plein / article heures supplémentaire… Recrutement : Pay package : congés payé, congé maternité, arrêt maladie, une salaire, un prime d’embauche , un indéminitée de départ, les avantages en nature, un e paye, un bulletin de salaire
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Vocabulaire relatif à l'emploi en anglais
Lesson 2 Exercise : During the summer vacation, I worked at Pull and Bear for 3 months. It was a fixed-term contract. This allowed me to develop better interpersonal skills and develop commercial skills. However, I less appreciated the behavior of the managers towards me and the other employees. I
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**Teil 1: Einleitung (Introduction)** Guten Tag, meine Damen und Herren, Ich freue mich, heute mit Ihnen über ein hochaktuelles und bedeutendes Thema im Bereich der Automobilindustrie zu sprechen - die Transition von Volkswagen zur Elektromobilität. Insbesondere werden wir uns auf das Modell ID.3 konzentrieren, das als wegweisend für den
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Voodoo doll
THE VOODOO DOOL C’est dans les années 1950 où le vaudoo n'était deja plus d’actualiter dans les rues de la nouvelle Orléans, là où est néé cette mysterieuse religion qui aujourd’hui sonne dans les oreilles des habitants comme une légende lointaine. Mon nom est Ornelia, Cela fait plusieur generation que
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Waves and sound
I/WAVES * Wave: disturbance or variation that transfers energy progressively from point to point in a medium, without a transfer of matter. * Wave pulse: disturbance that transports energy = signal; motif * Periodic wave: a series of identical and repeated spaced pulses * Medium: substance through which the waves
510 Mots / 3 Pages -
We can wonder, “What could drive people to leave their home countries to join USA? Do they reach their expectation?”
SPACES & EXCHANGES The notion “Spaces & Exchanges” deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The various cultures, economies, sociologies and languages interactions have shaped and
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What to write in an email
Business English AIE WHAT TO WRITE IN AN EMAIL * Bonjour Madame, Monsieur / chère Madame, Cher Monsieur Dear Madame Sir Madame Miss Mr * À qui de droit / à l’attention de (quand vous ne connaissez pas l’interlocuteur) Whose To those in main concern For the attention of (prep)
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Who is Oprah Winfrey ?
Who is Oprah Winfrey? téléchargé.jpg Oprah Winfrey was born on January 29, 1954, in Kosciusko, Mississippi, to former maid mother and war veteran father. She was then raised by her grandmother and lived in terrible conditions. Oprah was able to read and write, and had a religious education. Her mother
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Why do we love movies and cinema so much?
We will present our point of view on "Why do we love movies and cinema so much?" The seventh art is one of the most loved on the whole planet. Today there are a lot of iconic films for their memorable scenes. I will present the 3 arguments that we
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Work placement report
MY WORKPLACEMENT REPORT I – the company . During my internship period I worked at the garage renault, it's a big garage. . It is located in Etang-Salé. . They have a large garage of mechanics and bodywork. . The company has three mechanic, three bodybuilder, two foreman and the
322 Mots / 2 Pages -
Hector MALLET, 103 G WRITING PRACTICE (1. GIVE YOUR OPINION) I will speak about the new measures in Paris to gruadually ban older, more polluting cars from city center. In my opinion, it is a usefull reform. Why ? Because of the pollution. Indeed, the rate of fine particles is
309 Mots / 2 Pages -
Dom Juan est un personnage total, héros et anti-héros
Dissertation sur l’œuvre : Molière, Dom Juan, 1665 L’œuvre de Dom Juan est écrite par Molière en 1665 suite à l'interdiction des représentations de sa pièce précédente Le Tartuffe (1664) qui fut censurée pour des raisons politiques et religieuses. Molière n'est pas le premier à s'inspirer du mythe du séducteur
1 425 Mots / 6 Pages