Dissertations gratuites et de Recherche : 372 Langues dissertation gratuites 301 - 350
Révolution industrielle anglaise
Industrial revolution : More than an era, the term “industrial revolution” designates a set of phenomena that accompanied, from the eighteenth century, the transformation of the modern world through the development of capitalism, technology, production and communications. The first industrialization would have as a material iron, as a form of
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Road 66
BOUCHENTOUF TL Fatima ANGLAIS DM The Road 66 is mythical because it has become the symbol of an entire generation of Americans who love freedom and travel. She was indeed the icon of the new America, united and adventurous. Built to link the East to the West. Route 66 has
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Rolex RSE
ROLEX Introduction Rolex, founded in one thousand nine hundred and fifty by Hans Wilsdorf, is a Swiss manufacturer of luxury watches. Its flagship model Oyster has existed since one thousand nine hundred and twenty six . With a turnover of eight billion, it is the world's leading luxury watch brand,
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ROUTE 66 : more than a road, a myth and a legend
ROUTE 66 : more than a road, a myth and a legend Road 66 or mythical road loaded with memories. A road of the 1920s when parade landscapes of postcards. Mother Road also inspired numerous artists … Road 66, Mother Road, or Hand Street USA, is a mythical, legendary road,
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Royal vocabulary
ADJECTIVES 1° What you imagine about former kings and queens 2° what you would be if you were a king or a queen 3° what you know about the British Royals VERBS AND EXPRESSIONS 1° What you imagine about kings and queens 2° what you would be if you were
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Safeway lesson
Intro We will be introducing SAFEWAY, SAFEWAY is an American supermarket chain founded by Marion Barton Skaggs in April 1915 in Idaho. Their headquarters are based in Pleasanton, California, USA. Their revenue is almost at 38 billion USD with an economic value of 17.2 billion USD. The chain provides grocery
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Sanity in Shakespeare's Hamlet
Sanity in Shakespeare's Hamlet Sanity is one of the most profound themes in Shakespeare’s Hamlet, influencing both the characters and the unfolding events of the play. The question of Hamlet’s sanity versus madness is a central point of debate in literary analysis. Throughout the play, Hamlet wavers between rational thought
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Schachnovelle, eine Novelle ?
„Schachnovelle“ – wirklich eine Novelle? (Synthese der GA von Agathe, Justine und Lépold) -Das Wort Novelle kommt von „novella“ (Neuigkeit): ein italienisches Wort à das Paradebeispiel der Novelle kommt aus Italien Bocaccio « Decameron» (um 1350) -Definition der Novelle für die deutsche Literatur: « Was ist eine Novelle anders al
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Séance de cours pour préparer le brevet de français
Séance d’AP du 13 septembre : l’épreuve de français au brevet PARTIE 1 : 1H30 1h15 minutes Questions sur un texte Exercice de réécriture Pour les élèves ayant un tiers temps, chacune des deux parties dure 2 heures. 15 minutes Dictée par le professeur qui vous surveille PAUSE (vous rendez
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Servant leadership
1. Servant leadership is a leadership process in which the main task is to provide service to the followers. It considers whether followers have autonomy in the work process, whether they are restricted by their superiors, and how satisfactorily the disadvantaged and less privileged people in the organization are treated.
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Should social media be controlled by the federal government ?
Essay Writing : Should social media be controlled by the federal government ? Since the emergence of social networks such as Facebook or Twitter there has been a recomposition of public space as these digital platforms have facilitated expression and collective action. These practices are more and more visible and
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Simone de beauvoir
Simone de Beauvoir nacio el nueve de enero 1908 en Paris. También es la ciudad donde morirá el 14 de abril de 1986donde será enterrada con su marido Su muerte es celebrada por las todas feministas del mundo entero. Ella vive en un ambiente rico aunque su infancia fue estricta
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South Africa : oral d'anglais bac
EXPRESSION ORAL D ANGLAIS Power refers to the ability to influence the behaviour of others or the political or social authority exercised by a government, individuals or an institution. In addition, if power exists in our society, it means that counter-power exists too and subjects may reject the power. We
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Spaces and exchanges : is a gap year always beneficial?
Space And Exchanges I am going to talk about Spaces and Exchanges First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion : This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is
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Spaces and exchanges : What can tourists do to avoid overtourism?
Spaces and exchanges The notion I will deal with is "spaces and exchanges". In order to do this, I'm going to put the emphasis on the theme of tourism, and particularly on its exacerbated version called "overtourism" to which the world is prey to nowadays. Since it's a phenomenon which
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Spaces and Exchanges: how haw advertising changed and adapted over the year to influence our choices and our lifestyle?
Synthèse n°2 D’anglais I'm going to talk about the notion Spaces and exchanges. To begin with it, I'd like to give a definition of exchange. The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other. The exchanges can appear on many forms: people, trade, advertising
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Spacies and exchanges : How is immigration a positive form of exchange for the USA but as the same time criticized and badly viewed ?
The notion i am going to deal with is spacies and exchanges. To begin i’d like to give a définition of the notion :an exchange is an act of giving and receiving something else in return. It can also be seen as a continuous movment or circulation. There are
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Spazi e Scambi
Spazi e scambi Introduzione : Le nozioni di spazi e di scambi sono nozioni complementari e indissociabili. ∙•••••••• Uno spazio è una nozione fisica che allude alla geografia per la maggior parte del tempo. Uno spazio può anche essere virtuale o simbolica. ∙•••••••• Uno scambio è una nozione materiale o
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Stereotypen, vooroordelen en discriminatie
HT 13 : Stereotypen, vooroordelen en discriminatie Begrippen: Stereotype * Schema van mentale constructie over sociale groep die eigenschappen delen * Cognitief Vooroordeel * Negatieve gevoelens tegenover sociale groepen * Affectief (negatief of positief) Discriminatie * Gedrag gericht naar individuen gebaseerd op groepslidmaatschap * Makkelijkst te onderscheiden van vooroordelen &
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Strategic Design and Management of a Biotechnology Warehouse
Strategic Design and Management of a Biotechnology Warehouse Objective: Create a detailed plan for a unified warehouse facility for Beckman Coulter, focusing on equipment procurement, budget allocation, and distinct operational functions for raw materials and finished products. Background Information: Beckman Coulter requires a state-of-the-art warehouse to manage its biotechnology products.
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Structures itératives ou répétitives
Activités Chp-4 : Structures itératives ou répétitives Exercice d’application 1 (Structure Tantque) Catherine fait un placement bancaire de 3000$ au taux annuel de 35%. Écrire un algorithme qui calcule et affiche le nombre d’années au bout desquelles Catherine disposera d’au moins 7000$ sur son compte bancaire. Analyse Entree mt :
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Abandonned Animals in America Introduction : I chose this theme because It makes me disgusted to think of all the animals who are abandoned every year in America and we don't talk about it enough. I begin with the first part on: Overview of the problem, later the second part:
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Sujet BTS culture générale les cérémonies collectives
Synthèse Le sujet porte sur les cérémonies collectives, c'est-à-dire sur les commémorations. Celles-ci sont le fait de se rappeler le souvenir d'un événement, d'une personne. Une cérémonie est organisée pour cette occasion. Elle est liée aux devoirs de mémoire qui est une expression qui désigne et postule l'obligation morale de
2 027 Mots / 9 Pages -
Sujet d’invention à propos de Knock
Cher Roméo Bouvier, Je suis tombé sur votre incroyable filmographie. De ce fait j’ai vu que vous aviez joué dans l’une des adaptations de L’adversaire de Carrère et que vous aviez interprété avec brio le personnage de Jean-Claude Romand. A cet instant mon choix c’est évidemment porté sur vous, pour
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Summer review
Certaines dates demeurent gravées dans le marbre. Pour Hawaï, archipel des États-Unis dans l'océan Pacifique, ce sera sans nul doute le 8 août 2023, jour fatidique où les flammes d'un incendie de forêt ont lentement englouti la ville de Lahaina, sur l'île de Maui. Du 8 au 10 août 2023,
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Synthèse - Argumentation
L’argumentation - Synthèse L’argumentation a pour but de proposer une réflexion ou défendre une thèse L’argumentation directe * Se trouve dans un texte argumentatif et ces textes ont 2 objectifs : convaincre et persuader Convaincre = utiliser la raison avec thèse et arguments illustrés par des exemples et connecteurs logiques
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Synthèse anglais - Places and forms of power - The NRA
Introduction I’m going to treat the notion of “Places and forms of power”. First of all I'd like to give a definition of the notion. The term “Places” denotes important buildings or institutions or a place anywhere in the world. Power is the ability to control others, events or resources;
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Synthèse anglais Mythes et Héros, is the American Dream a myth or a reality ?
Synthèse d’anglais 1 Myth and heroes INTRODUCTION My presentation is going to deal with the notion Myth and Heroes. →To illustrate the notion, I have chosen to talk about the American Dream. The American Dream is the notion that people who start from scratch become rich through hard work. Moreover,
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Synthèse d'anglais Notion 1
Morant Anthony TS2 Synthèse Notion 1 : Idea of progress Sujet : Fiction and Science 1. During this first notion « idea of progress », i focused on new technology like a part of bionic body, cloning, artificial intelligence. This progress could maybechange the human capacity and the world. I
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Synthèse sur le compte rendu critique de lecture
Le compte rendu critique de lecture : synthèse 1. Partie informative (1 paragraphe) : Rédiger un texte continu à l’aide des informations indispensables uniquement. 2. Partie narrative (1 paragraphe) : Rédiger un résumé suspensif (situation initiale et élément perturbateur). 3. Partie argumentative (4 paragraphes) : 3.1 Formuler une thèse (avis
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Synthèse traumatologie
cid:image001.jpg@01D27CB6.826ADFE0 Le traumatisme crânien Définition Etiologie Signes cliniques et surveillances infirmières Complications Examens diagnostics ou complémentaires Traitement Information, éducation, prévention Définition Le traumatisme crânien correspond à un dommage soudain, avec un niveau d’énergie intolérable de l'extrémité encéphalique, entre le tissu cérébral et la boîte crânienne, entraînant la destruction de cellules
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Tartuffe de Molière
Explication n°9 : Tartuffe de Molière : Molière : comédien dramaturge, 17e s. Tartuffe : s’attaque à la religion / aux faux dévots. Prend la suit de Blaise Pascal VI,5 : stratagème : -Elmire pousse Tartuffe à avouer son hypocrisie tout en ayant caché Orgon sous la table -Comique :
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TD anglais
TD ANGLAIS Ressources documentaire Bibliothèque numérique Factiva Exercice grammaire .The editor wants to embrace the future instead of the past preposition The news paper has been losing money, however it has managed to survive by finding new investors. The whistleblower decided to reveal the information despite the fact he risked
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Te world of the queen of England
Introduction: Today, we will delve into the intriguing world of the Queen of England. As one of the most iconic figures in the world, the Queen plays a pivotal role not only in the history of the United Kingdom but also on the global stage. I. Who is the Queen?
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Texte en anglais sur Steven
Steven est un jeune homme noir rêvant de devenir marin. Il eut difficultés à atteindre son objectif à cause des discriminations de son époque. Mais il parvient à devenir marin grâce à sa motivation et ses efforts. Lors de sa première expédition de 2 semaines, il fut choqué de découvrir
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Texte Guy de Maupassant : Le roman et le récit du XVIIIeme siècle au XXIeme siècle
Texte Guy de Maupassant : OBJET D’ETUDE : LE ROMAN ET LE RECIT DU XVIIIEME SIECLE AU XXIEME SIECLE. Etude de la nouvelle « décoré ! » de Guy de Maupassant (1883). problématique : une nouvelle écrite pour divertir ? Séance n°1- découverte de la nouvelle et de l’auteur. Maupassant
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The Aboriginals of Australia
The Aboriginals of Australia Aboriginal people have lived in Australia for around 50 000 years or more. Almost all aboriginal people were semi-nomadic, meaning they would move from place to place. They people would settle in a certain area and build or find some temporary shelters.They would hunt for food.After
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The American dream
++Notion 1 : Myths & Heroes:The American dream Introduction : I'm going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. To begin with I'd like to give a definition of this notion; a hero is a person who helps people in need, a hero has moral qualities and sometimes
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The Casbah, fiche en anglais
The Casbah Résultat de recherche d'images pour "the casbah of algiers" Casbah means citadel. It is a place for the local leader to live. Casbah from the Arabic “fortified place” exists in the North Africa. In Algiers, the word once referred to only to the citadel built over the old
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The Death Penalty
The death penalty is a controversial issue, because of its irrevocable and barbaric aspect. This type of sentence leaves no chance for mistake, and the Stat should not have the power of life and death over its citizens. What is unfair about this sentence is that rich people escape more
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The English Game
The English Game Created by the well-known Julian Fellowes, this Netflix series is a British historical sports drama. Through six episodes, we learn more about the origins of modern association football in England. Indeed, in the 1870s, this sport was for the wealthy but some working-class players changed it forever.
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The gentrification of football or How a popular sport has become elitist and controlled by business? : The example of the British premier league from 1992 to 2020
The gentrification of football or How a popular sport has become elitist and controlled by business? : The example of the British premier league from 1992 to 2020. Football and sports in general are the reflect of the society and can help understand his tendencies. Football is the most popular
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The Hobbit
INTRO Dans le premier chapitre de Bilbo, les premiers indices d'un conte pour enfants bourré d'humour apparaît... Mais surtout de façon assez originale et subtil, Tolkien nous introduit l'intrigue qui va suivre et nous plonge très facilement dans le monde de la Terre du Milieu, en présentant à la fois
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The idea of progress
The idea of progress My notion is « The idea of progress » and my issue is « Should we fear progress ? ». The deffinition of progress is the positive evolution of the world in therms of science, technology. It's the evolution of civilization to an ideal goal. So,
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The idea of progress : in what way can progress improve our daily life ?
The idea of progress Key issue : In what way can progress improve our daily life? Progress encompasses all developments that can improve the lives of human beings in their daily, professional or social lives. There are several forms of progress. In this notion, we approached the question of progress
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The idea of progress : should we fear progress ?
The idea of progress: should we fear progress? I’m going to talk about the « idea of progress ». to begin with, I’d like to state a definition of that notion. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or change in technical, scientific or social
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The idea of progress : to what extend is telecommuting a good alternative to traditional office work
THE NOTION OF PROGRESS First, I am going to define the notion of idea of progress. We can say that progress is a forward movement, an advance or a development. It can also be defined as a graduam betterment, especially : the progressive development of humankind. Plus, progress is the idea
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The Indian Society-Idea of progress
Idea of progress Intro:- notion I’m going to deal with is -First of all I would like to give a def of this notion. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change. It can be a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes
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The memor bank
Exposé LLCE NOAH Présentation de l’idée : Hello, we are scientists and we are here to present you our new project which is the memory bank. This device will change human’s life and we are going to show you why. First of all, we will see the advantages of this
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The power of advertising
The power of advertising a) We can say that advertising has invaded our life because ads are everywhere : on our phones, on TV, on the Internet, and even in video games (1). Moreover/Besides, ads are a form of visual pollution in our consumer society. Furthermore /on top of that,
6 387 Mots / 26 Pages